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All Recruiting topics
Candidates and applications
Candidates and applications
New articles
New articles and comments
Talent Rediscovery
Send an e-Signature agreement with Adobe Acrobat Sign
Visual candidate pipeline
Visual Candidate Pipeline
Candidates and applications general info
Candidate preferred first name
Talent Filtering
Edit a candidate's application date
Unhire a candidate
Bulk import candidates from spreadsheet
Rejection reason requirement
Rejection emails
Unreject candidate or prospect
Reject a candidate
Hide rejection reason
Resume parsing with non-English languages
Bulk download and print resumes
Does Greenhouse scan resumes and other attachments for viruses?
Unsuccessful resume parse
Bulk edit
Bulk update hiring team
Move prospects to another pool and stage in bulk
Candidate bulk edit overview
Cancel candidate bulk action
Reject candidates or prospects in bulk
Candidate survey
Best practices for customizing the candidate survey email
Sample survey questions
View candidate survey results
Customize the candidate survey email
Choose survey recipients by office, department, and stage
Custom fields
Add new school name to structured education field
Custom options FAQ
Immutable field key overview
Delete company metadata
What happens when I archive a custom field?
Candidate tags
Create and edit candidate tags
Best practices: candidate tags
Assign candidate tag to candidate profile
Remove candidate tag from candidate profile
Merge duplicate candidate tags
Send EEOC questionnaire to a candidate who didn't apply through a job post
Enable EEOC questionnaire on job post
Equal employment opportunity and affirmative action overview
Candidate notifications and alerts
View candidate alerts
Follow: Email notifications about referrals
Follow-up reminders
Follow: Email notifications about candidate or prospect
Edit candidate alert settings
Candidate profiles
Structured education fields overview
Hide private information on the candidate profile
Candidate profile redesign overview
Remove a candidate from a job
Candidates and applications Q&A
Supported file types for resumes and cover letters
Candidate inquiries about application status
Send a notification when a candidate submits their availability
Send (non-offer) documents to candidates in an Interview Plan
Search resumes for keywords