Candidate alerts inform users about candidates who are in an interview pipeline stage for too long. With candidate alerts, your organization can ensure that all responsible roles are aware of how candidates are progressing through your interview pipeline and what action they may need to take.

View candidate alerts

Candidate alerts display throughout Greenhouse Recruiting. By default, the alerts appear only in Greenhouse Recruiting and cannot be sent by email.

Alerts for candidates on all jobs

To see alerts for all candidates in your organization, navigate to the All Candidates page. (Dashboard > Candidates)

Alerts display as a red exclamation mark symbol Candidate_alert_icon.png near a candidate's name. 


Tip: Use the filters on the left side panel to narrow the list of candidates shown. For example, if you're a recruiter, click Responsibility then select your own name to see only candidates you're responsible for.

Hover over the symbol to see the alert, including the candidate's stage and time in that stage.


Alerts for candidates on a specific job

To see alerts for candidates on a specific job, navigate to that job's page. (Jobs > job name)

Scroll down to the Pipeline Tasks section. Alerts for candidates on the job are listed under Alerts


Dismiss a candidate alert

To dismiss a candidate alert, navigate to a job's page (Jobs > job name) and scroll down to the Pipeline Tasks section.

Hover over the alert you want to dismiss, then click the X that appears to the right of the alert. 


Note: After you dismiss an alert, it still appears in the job's Visual pipeline. (Jobs > job name > Pipeline)


Additional resources