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All Recruiting topics
Users, permissions, and roles
Users, permissions, and roles
New articles
New articles and comments
Understanding permissions in Greenhouse Recruiting
Permissions cheat sheet
Create a super user
User account management
Set your working hours and time zone
Find your Greenhouse Recruiting user ID
Edit the name on your account
Add or edit a user email address
Reset your password
Permission policies
Permission policies overview
Permission policy: Make all hired candidates private by default
Permission policy: Make 'requisition ID' a required field
Permission policy: Make opening ID required for all jobs
Permission policy: Allow job admins to copy Greenhouse default stages
User levels and job-based permissions
Create automated permission rules
Bulk permissions overview
Assign permissions by office or department
Permission levels overview
User permissions grid
User-specific permissions
User-specific permissions overview
Manage user-specific permissions
Manage user-specific permissions in bulk
Permissions for Basic users
User-specific permissions for Job Admins
Job Admin permissions
Permission stripe: Can view internal candidates / prospects
Job Admin levels and permissions
Default Job Admin levels
Create a custom Job Admin level
Edit or delete a Job Admin level
Hiring team roles
Best practices: Managing Hiring team absences
Hiring team overview
Hiring team role: Sourcer
Hiring team role: Coordinator
Hiring team role: Recruiter
Users, permissions, roles Q&A
How do I use Quick Select?
Why is a user’s name appearing with a strikethrough?
Why do I not see my jobs in the applications to review section of my dashboard?
I'm a Site Admin. Why can't I assign certain Job Admin levels to other users?
What can a Job Admin: Standard do?