The scope of the recruiter role can vary between different organizations based on the organization’s specific needs and processes. This article provides a general outline of a recruiter's responsibilities, and defines the tasks that are automatically assigned to a user who is a recruiter for a job in Greenhouse Recruiting.
Recruiter responsibilities
Generally, a recruiter guides the overall hiring process and creates the structure for success. Recruiters typically are responsible for building the scorecard, designing the interview process, drafting interview questions, and creating the outreach list. By default, users who are assigned to the recruiter role for a job automatically will be assigned tasks related to candidates within their specific applications, such as:
- Application review
- Advancing / rejecting candidates
- Sending scorecard reminders
- Managing alerts
Assign a recruiter at the job level
The recruiter role can be set up at the job level so that all new applications for the job will inherit the assigned recruiter when they are created. While you can assign the recruiter when defining the Hiring Team for a new job, in this section we will cover how to assign this role for an existing job
Note: Assigning a recruiter during the new job creation process requires that your organization has enabled Hiring Team as a step in the job setup flow.
Alternatively, you can assign a recruiter to a specific application and change that recruiter at any time.
To assign a user to the recruiter role at the job level, click Jobs from the navigation bar and select the job from the subsequent list.
From the job page, click the Job Setup tab and navigate to Hiring Team on the left-hand panel.
Click Edit beside Recruiters.
Select the appropriate users from the dropdown menu and click Save when finished.
Note: Only users with the appropriate permissions will populate in the dropdown menu. Please check the Who can see this job? panel on the job's Hiring Team page to ensure your user is assigned the appropriate permissions.
When a new recruiter is assigned on an existing job, they automatically will be made the responsible recruiter for all Future Candidates (those who apply to the job from that time forward). You also can select to make that user the responsible recruiter for Active Candidates (candidates currently in consideration on the job) or Rejected/Hired Candidates (candidates on the job previously marked as rejected or hired).
Note: Updating the recruiter for Active or Rejected / Hired Candidates is a permanent action that cannot be undone. It is not possible to restore the previously assigned recruiter if you select this option.
Change recruiter for an individual application
To assign or change a recruiter for an individual application, navigate to that candidate's profile and open the job on the Applications tab on the right panel.
Click Edit icon next to the recruiter in the Source and responsibility section and update it to the correct user.
View all jobs for a recruiter
To quickly view which users have been assigned to recruiter roles, navigate to the Jobs tab on your navigation bar.
From the All Jobs page, expand the Filter panel and navigate to the User field. Select a User from the dropdown menu. When finished, navigate to the Role field and select recruiter from the dropdown menu.
All jobs that meet your specified criteria will populate in the list.
View all applications for a recruiter
If you need to see all applications assigned to a given recruiter, click the All Candidates tab on your navigation bar and expand the Responsibility section on the left-hand panel.
Select a user from the recruiter dropdown menu. Results will populate in the candidate list.