Permissions: Job Admin and above

Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

There are a few different actions in Greenhouse Recruiting that can be helpful for identifying inaccurate hiring data within your reports. 

Use the options below to learn how to locate, correct, and maintain accurate hiring data in Greenhouse Recruiting. 

Clean up candidate data

Correct missing candidate sources 

Action  Details

Assign source for each candidate

Check the Candidate Quality by Source report and make sure you have listed a source for any candidates whose source is "Not Specified". Also, leverage the Candidates tab filters.

Make source required

Navigate to Configure > Permission Policies and check the box to make Source a required field.

Identify potential duplicate candidate applications

Note: Some reports could contain duplicates if you rejected one candidate from two different jobs.

Action Details

Check for potential duplicates

Use the Show Potential Duplicates filter on the Candidates tab to check for potential duplicate candidates then merge them.

Note: Each line in the essential candidate report reflects a single candidate application. If a candidate has submitted multiple applications, their name might appear more than once in your report.

Update incorrect application/offer acceptance dates for hired candidates



Ensure application dates are accurate

Whenever you start considering someone for a job, make sure they are added to that job.

If you make a mistake, you can always edit the application date directly on the Stage tab within the candidate profile by selecting Application Review > Applied on > Pencil icon. 

This is essential to having accurate Hiring Speed.

Mark candidates as hired 

When you make a hire, mark them as hired in Greenhouse. Ensure every recent hire you've made is properly marked in the system.

Resolve all outstanding offers

Use the Offer Details report and sort by Status to ensure that any extended offers have been marked as accepted or declined in the system.

Audit the Hiring Speed report for inaccuracies

Sort by the last column to check for outliers where the data might be inaccurate.

You can fix these inaccuracies on an individual profile by updating application date or offer acceptance date.

Audit the Time to Hire report for inaccuracies

Sort by the last column to check for outliers where the data might be inaccurate.

You can fix these inaccuracies on an individual job by updating the open date or close date within the job's info

Maintain accurate interviewing activity

Action Details

Ensure all interviews are scheduled in Greenhouse Recruiting

If you schedule through Outlook 365 or Google Calendar, connect the calendar to easily sync the interview data.

If you use another system, make sure you are starting in Greenhouse to download the file.

This is essential for sharing the interview kit with the interviewers and having accurate reporting on the number of interviews you've scheduled/conducted with candidates.

Correct missing data for rejected candidates  

Action Details

Always select rejection reason when rejecting a candidate

Every time you reject a candidate you should be populating a rejection reason. Audit your data with the Rejection Reasons report or the Candidates tab.

Make rejection reason required 

Navigate to Configure > Permission Policies and check the box to make Rejection Reasons a required field.

Consistently reject all candidates before closing a role

Navigate to the All Candidates tab > Filter to Active Candidates on Closed Jobs to see all the problematic data. Anytime you close a req, you should be rejecting all the candidates, so no one is left active.

You can create a custom rejection reason like "Position Filled", so you'll be able to easily resurface these candidates in the future. Check for active candidates on closed reqs to review past data.

Clean up job data

Audit Hiring team configuration 

Action Details

Assign recruiter and coordinator

Check the All Jobs Summary to ensure you have a Recruiter and Coordinator assigned for every role. This is essential for task assignment and reporting.

Make any updates on the Hiring Team page for that job.

Limit which Job Admins can create new stages

Make sure to limit who can create new stage names. You can either do this in bulk or one by one for Job Admins.

Stay on top of key data within your job's configuration

Action Details

Assign Office and Department

Check the All Jobs Summary to ensure you have an Office and Department designated for every role.

Make any updates on the Job Info page for that job. 

Ensure open dates are accurate for each job opening


Make sure that each opening has the correct opening date; this is particularly important if you have evergreen reqs with more than one opening.

Ensure close dates are accurate and completed jobs are closed

If you've filled a req completely, make sure to change the status to Closed. If you've filled an opening, make sure you have the correct close date.

You can change the close date or back-date a hire if the data needs to be cleaned up.

Make job stage names consistent across jobs moving forward

As a rule, job stage names should be as consistent as possible. If you call a stage "Onsite" in one job, keep that naming convention the same across jobs. You may have inconsistent job stage names historically, but follow the recommendations to create template jobs and insure consistency moving forward.

Remove the option to use Greenhouse default stages

Unless you are frequently using the Greenhouse default stages, uncheck the box under Permission Policies, so they will not longer show up.

Follow best practices for managing evergreen requisitions

If you have any roles you are repeatedly hiring for, make sure you are following the best practices to manage that data correctly.