Permissions: Site Admin who can edit another user's advanced permissions

Product tier: Available to all subscription tiers

Permission policies are a set of permissions for all users in your Greenhouse Recruiting account. By defining permission policies, you can automate the default settings for any new users and avoid changing permissions on a user-by-user basis. On this page, you can also define specific permission policies for a subset of users, such as job admins, coordinators, and agency recruiters. 

Note: Only organizations with an Advanced or Expert subscription can customize and create new Job Admin levels. Organizations with an Essential subscription cannot edit Job Admin levels. 

Configure a permissions policy

Click the Configure icon Icon-Configure.png in the top-right corner and choose Permission Policies from the left side of the page.


Select the checkboxes for each permission to assign it to the associated group. 


Click See and manage Job Admin levels under the Job Admins section to edit admin levels. Click here for more information on creating custom Job Admin levels.


Note: Organizations with an Essential subscription will not see an option for See and manage Job Admin levels because the Essential subscription tier does not include Custom Job Admin levels. 

User permission policies

Permission Description

When rejecting a candidate, make "Rejection Reason" a required field

When a candidate is rejected and removed from the pipeline, users must select a rejection reason.

When hiring, make candidates private by default

Limit access to a candidate's profile when they are marked as hired. Click here for more information. 

When creating a candidate, make "Resume" a required field

Users must add a resume when creating a candidate. 

When creating a candidate, make "Source" a required field

Users must select a source when creating a candidate. 

When creating a candidate, make "Who Gets Credit" a required field

Users must select Who gets Credit when adding a candidate. 

When creating a job, make "Office" a required field

Users must select an office when adding a new job.

When creating a job, make "Department" a required field

Users must select a department when adding a new job.
When creating a job, make "Job Level" a required field Users must select a job level when adding a new job. 

When creating a job, make "Requisition" ID required for all jobs

Jobs cannot be created without a Requisition ID.  Click here for more information. 

When creating a job, make "Opening ID" required for all jobs

Jobs cannot be created without an Opening ID. Click here for more information. 

Allow users to configure 2-Factor Authentication on their accounts

Allows users to use 2 Factor Authentication to secure their accounts. Click here for more information. 

Allow users to send EEOC questionnaires to candidates and store full-text search criteria

Users can send candidate surveys using the EEOC questions. Click here for more information on EEOC. 

Reopening a job with approval should require reapproval

Requires an admin to approve reopening a previously approved and closed job. 

When creating a referral via Add a Referral, make "Email" a required field

Users are required to add an email to any referrals they enter in their organization. 

Job Admin permission policies

Permission Description

Allow Job Admins to copy Greenhouse Default Stages

Job Admins can use default stages as templates when creating a new job.

If this option is not selected, Job Admins can use the templates created by their organization. 

Allow Job Admins to create or copy non-template jobs during job creation

Job admins can copy any job when creating a new job post.

If this option is not selected, Job Admins will be restricted to creating jobs with job templates.

Interviewers permission policies

Permission Description

Can view candidate scorecards submitted by other users

Controls the level of visibility other interviewers have with a candidate's interview plan. 

Never: Interviewers cannot see other interviewers' scorecards. Only Job Admins and Recruiters will be able to see the full candidate scorecards. 

Always: Users can always see other users' scorecards. 

Only after submitting their own: Interviewers cannot see other users' scorecards until their own scorecard is saved and submitted.

Can edit scorecards after submission

Never: Prevent basic users and Job Admins from editing a scorecard they've already submitted. Only Site Admins can edit scorecards. 

Always: Allow all users to edit a scorecard after they've submitted it.

Coordinator permission policies

Permission Description

Should be notified when their candidates submit interview availability

Coordinators will receive an email any time a candidate fills out an availability request.

Agency permission policies

Permission Description

Can see the current stages for submitted candidates

Restricts the information that can be seen in Agencies for a candidate the agency recruiter submitted:

The agency recruiter can see what stage their candidate is currently in. 

Can see the next scheduled interview for submitted candidates 

Restricts the information that can be seen in Agencies for a candidate the agency recruiter submitted:

The agency recruiter will be able to see the time and date of the next interview for the candidate.

When agencies submit candidates, make "Resume" a required field

Sets required fields for any candidates added through Agencies: 

A resume must be included in the candidate's application

When agencies submit candidates, make "Email" address required 

Sets required fields for any candidates added through Agencies: 

An email address must be included in the candidate's application

Alert them about potential duplicates that already exist in the system

Automatically emails the agency recruiter if an existing candidate has the same email as their newly submitted candidate

Additional resources

See the articles below for more information on specific permissions that can be configured on this page: