Permissions: Site Admin who can edit another user's advanced permissions

Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

A rejection reason is a configurable field when rejecting a candidate or prospect from a job and is categorized into three main types:

  • We rejected them
  • They Rejected us
  • None specified

By default, rejection reasons are required whenever a candidate and/or prospect is rejected in your organization. 

If your organization chooses not to enforce a required rejection reason, you can deactivate this requirement in your account settings. 

To begin, navigate to the Permission Policies configure page. (Configure icon > Permissions Policies). 

Screenshot of the permissions policies page.

Uncheck the box When rejecting a candidate, make "Rejection Reason" a required field

Screenshot of the rejection reason box unchecked.

Note: If your organization has deactivated the rejection reason requirement and would like to enforce the requirement again, follow the above steps to add a check in the appropriate checkbox.