Crosschq is an end-to-end hiring intelligence platform designed to help improve hiring efficiency, candidate experience and quality of hire. Recruiting and HR teams use Crosschq to automate their reference check process, source prospects, and collect valuable insights from candidates and employees about their interview and work experience.

Greenhouse Recruiting's integration with Crosschq allows your organization to seamlessly add reference checks and surveys to your existing hiring process.

Set up the Crosschq integration

To begin setup, navigate to your Crosschq administrator account and Log in

Search for the Greenhouse connector from Organization Settings > Connectors. Then, click Manage from the Greenhouse section.

Manage Crosschq integrations.png

On the following page, turn on the Greenhouse connector by clicking the toggle on the right. The toggle should turn green to indicate successful connection.

Greenhouse ATS toggled ON.png

Configure API settings

Share token with Greenhouse (for 360 references)

A Crosschq token is stored within the Greenhouse API settings. When shared with Greenhouse, the token will allow you to trigger reference requests when a candidate reaches the Crosschq reference stage in your Greenhouse pipeline. Copy the token.

Crosschq API settings.png

Once you have obtained your API token, contact Greenhouse Technical Support by using live chat or opening a ticket. After sharing the token with Greenhouse, their support team will connect the two platforms to one another.

Note: For data security purposes, do not include the API key when opening a new ticket.

If, at any point, you need to adjust connector settings, simply return to Organization Settings > Connectors > Greenhouse and click on the Manage button.

Create a Harvest API key

Next, you’ll need to create a Harvest API key.

Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the permissions below are selected when configuring the Crosschq integration.


  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: Crosschq or Unlisted Vendor
  • Description: Crosschq Harvest API key


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Crosschq integration:


  • GET: Retrieve Application
  • PATCH: Update Application
  • POST: Add Attachment to Application


  • GET: Retrieve Candidate
  • GET: List Candidate
  • POST: Add Prospect
  • POST: Add Employment


  • GET: Retrieve User
  • GET: List User

Job Stages

  • GET: Retrieve Job Stage
  • GET: List Job Stages
  • GET: List Job Stages for Job


  • GET: Retrieve Job GET: Hiring team

Prospect Pool

  • GET: List Prospect Pools

Custom Field

  • GET: Custom fields
  • POST: Create custom field
  • PATCH: Update custom field


  • GET: Degrees GET: Schools


  • GET: Retrieve EEOC Data for Application
  • GET: List EEOC


  • GET: List Departments

Rejection Reasons

  • GET: List Rejection Reasons


  • GET: List Offices


  • GET: List Sources

Save when finished.

Your Harvest API key for the Crosschq integration is created and configured. Copy the API key to provide to Crosschq in the next step.

Add your API credentials to Crosschq

After creating the API key for the Crosschq integration, navigate back to the Greenhouse Connector API settings in Crosschq (Organization Settings > Connectors > Greenhouse) to provide the key. 

Using the Harvest APIKEY field, paste the created API key. When finished, click Save Changes


Create a webhook

Webhooks allow specific events to be updated in real-time in Crosschq, as well as trigger campaign surveys in Crosschq Voice. Crosschq supports the following Greenhouse webhooks:

  • Candidate Hired
  • Candidate Rejected

To enable these webhooks, copy the Webhook Hired URL from the Greenhouse connector API settings in Crosschq.

Crosschq webhook hired URL .png

The Webhook Hired URL in Crosschq will be used to create both hired and rejected status webhooks in Greenhouse.

Next, you’ll need to create the webhooks in Greenhouse Recruiting. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhook. Use the values listed below to configure the webhook:

Web hook #1: 

  • Name: A descriptive name for your integration. Most customers choose Crosschq integration
  • When: Candidate has been hired
  • Endpoint URL: The Endpoint URL provided by Crosschq, paste the Greenhouse Webhook Hired URL that you copied from Crosschq.
  • Secret Key: The Secret Key provided by Crosschq, copy and paste the token field from the Greenhouse API settings in Crosschq.

Crosschq API token.png

Web hook #2: 

  • Name: A descriptive name for your integration. Most customers choose Crosschq integration
  • When: Candidate Rejected
  • Endpoint URL: The Endpoint URL provided by Crosschq, paste the Greenhouse Webhook Hired URL that you copied from Crosschq.
  • Secret Key: The Secret Key provided by Crosschq, copy and paste the token field from the Greenhouse API settings in Crosschq.

Save when finished.

Configure app settings

Once your API settings are saved, you can configure additional settings for specific Crosschq Apps.

Crosschq App settings.png

360 settings

When you enable Attach Crosschq 360 Report to candidate's profile upon completion, we will upload completed reference reports to the candidate's profile in Greenhouse if the reference was initiated from the ATS.

Recruit settings

The additional Recruit settings allow you to export prospects from Crosschq to Greenhouse. To enable this feature, you will need to set up a prospect pool from the CRM section in Greenhouse. Click here to learn more about setting up a prospect pool.

If you do not have the CRM function in Greenhouse, you can still export prospects and manually upload them to Greenhouse.

Enable the Crosschq integration - Recruiter Setting

To enable the Recruiter Setting for the Crosschq integration, you’ll need to create an Ingestion API key and provide it to Crossch. 

Follow the steps in this article for more information on creating an Ingestion API Key. Once the key is created, provide it to Crosschq so they can set up the integration with Greenhouse Recruiting.

When finished, navigate back to the Greenhouse Connector App Settings in Crosschq. Enable the prospect export feature by clicking the toggle on the right. The toggle should turn green.

Under the Token field, paste the copied Candidate Ingestion API key.

Crosschq Recruit toggled ON.pngNext, enter in a Greenhouse admin email to be associated with the connection.

Under the Greenhouse Prospect Pool field, select the correct pool for where Crosschq prospects should be exported.

The Pool ID Number is actually the name of a prospect pool. Your Greenhouse admin will likely want to create a specific prospect pool for Crosschq candidates, and then select that pool from the drop-down menu.

Lastly, if you want to enable automatic exporting of prospects to Greenhouse, click the final check box in this section.

After completing the Greenhouse connection, all of your prospects will automatically or manually export into Greenhouse.

Note: To learn how to manually export prospects from the Crosschq Recruit module into your ATS, click here.

Additional 360 configuration

The following sections will outline extra steps to make sure your Greenhouse connection is successfully linked.

Add the Crosschq stage to a job's interview plan and complete setup

Once the Crosschq integration is configured, for every job that you want to leverage Crosschq, you'll need to add the Crosschq stage to a job's interview plan.

To do this for an existing job, navigate to Jobs > Job Name > Job Setup. From the Job Setup page, navigate to Interview Plan > Add stage and then select the Crosschq stage.

When finished, click Add to apply the stage to the job's interview plan.

Use the Crosschq integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

Configure Crosschq templates

Templates are reference request configurations that are used to trigger requests from ATS connectors. You have to set up your Crosschq templates to be able to send Crosschq requests from an ATS.

Within Crosschq, go to Organization Settings > Templates. Select Create New Template. 

Enter the required information such as the template name, add an ATS Tag for that template, and create a description of the template.  

Within the Request Settings, add in the position, select the appropriate survey, and configure the number/type of references you want to be associated with this request. Please note, the relationship type can either be specified or you can select any relationship type and let the candidate determine the type of reference. Additionally, you can add customized notes to each specific reference request, i.e. "Please provide a manager reference from X company."

From there, add optional hiring manager information. Finally, you can create custom emails or text messages associated with each template by filling out the custom notifications section. When you are done, select Create Template.

Crosschq template settings.png

At any point, if you need to edit or delete a template select the three dots next to the template and you will be able to manage from there.

Edit Crosschq template.png

Requestors and Hiring Managers

Crosschq pulls the Recruiter from the details section within a candidate's profile in Greenhouse. 

Crosschq will assign as requestor the GreenHouse user listed as "Recruiter" within the candidate's profile. If there is no recruiter listed in the candidate's profile, Crosschq will assign the user listed as the candidate's "Coordinator". If there are no users listed as recruiter or coordinator, Crosschq will assign the user listed as "Credited To" within the source section.

As for the Hiring Managers, Crosschq will add all users listed as Hiring Managers within the job's hiring team in Greenhouse.

Send a Crosschq assessment 

To send a candidate through the Crosschq process in Greenhouse, move your candidate to the Crosschq stage and select Send Test.

Note: If you want to automate Crosschq assessments being sent to your candidates, create a stage transition rule.

Once configured, assessments will be triggered to send automatically after a candidate moves into the partner assessment stage.

Ensure the candidate's email address is correct, select the Crosschq template, and select whom you would like to "grade" the request/have access to notifications, usually, this is the recruiter/candidate owner.

Then, click the Send Test button to send the Crosschq to the candidate.


The candidate will receive an email message that includes a link to begin the Crosschq process.

You will then be able to keep track of each request status change by accessing the Activity Feed section of Greenhouse.

View a Crosschq report

When the candidate completes the self-reference and all of the references respond to the surveys, the report will be available within the Greenhouse platform. Additionally, the recruiter and hiring manager will also get an email informing them that the Crosschq report is completed. (If the hiring manager doesn't have a Crosschq account a link to create a Viewer account will automatically be sent to the hiring manager.)

The figure below depicts an example in which a candidate has received his overall Crosschq score and the process is complete.

To view the Crosschq report, click the report icon next to the Crosschq stage. On the following page, click View Report.

View report link.png

The user will be directed to the completed report in Crosschq. Note that only users with Crosschq accounts will be able to access the report within Crosschq.

If pdf generation and ingestion is enabled in your Crosschq account, you can also find an attached Crosschq report from the Details section of the Greenhouse candidate profile or under All Attachments.

Greenhouse users with enterprise accounts will be able to view a more detailed version of the Crosschq report and status updates related to the report. To access this, users will select the private tab within the Candidate Details.

Additional resources

For questions or information on the integration not covered here, reach out to