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User-specific permissions are extra permissions granted to a user in addition to those included in that user's permission level (Basic, Job Admin, Site Admin). In this article, we will cover the different user-specific permissions associated with the Job Admin permission level.

Job Admin user-specific permissions overview

Users who are assigned the Job Admin permission level can be assigned the following optional user-specific permissions:

Permission Description
Can create new jobs and request job approvals

When granted, this permission allows the user to create a job, which can be accessed from the Add button on the navigation bar.

Click here to learn more about this permission.

Can invite new users to Greenhouse and reactive disabled users This permission allows the user some control over who to invite into your Greenhouse Recruiting account and gives the user the ability to re-enable user accounts that were deactivated previously.
Can manage custom fields Custom fields can be created to house additional information for Candidates, Jobs, Offers, or your Referral Questionnaire. Site Admins can always manage custom fields; this permission allows Job Admins the ability to create, make changes to, and remove custom fields for your entire organization. 
Can manage company metadata Similar to custom fields, metadata includes information that appears in dropdown menus throughout Greenhouse, like Referrers, Rejection Reasons, Sources, and Tags.
Can manage company email and social media templates If you have a Job Admin who manages your templates, you can allow them to make changes to organization-wide email templates and company social media templates that will be accessible to all of the users in your Greenhouse Recruiting account.
Can manage unattached prospects A prospect is considered unattached if they have been added to Greenhouse Recruiting without being assigned to a specific job. This permission allows the user to add unattached prospects to jobs or convert them to candidates. This permission does not allow the user to view information under the Private tab on prospect profiles. Click here to learn more about this permission.
Can create new job stage names This permission allows your organization to control who has the ability to create new job stage names on Interview Plans. Ideally, this permission will help reduce erroneous or duplicate job stages that will need to be cleaned up later. Click here to learn more about this permission.
Can invite and deactivate agency recruiters This permission allows the user to invite/deactivate agency recruiters. If granted, users will find additional functionality on the agency management page.   
Can manage offer templates This permission allows the user to upload new offer templates, test offer tokens, rename offer templates, and download or delete offer templates.

Job Admin user-specific permissions detailed descriptions

Can create new jobs and request job approvals

When granting a user this permission, you must select a default Job Admin role for new jobs this user creates. Options include Job Admin: Private and Job Admin: Standard.

You also have the option to limit job creation to specific departments and offices. If selected, these options would allow the user to only create new jobs within chosen departments or offices.

Tip: Limiting job creation by department or office can help avoid confusion in organizations with many departments or offices. Consider using these permissions to align Job Admins with the teams or geographic areas they work with most.

Can manage unattached prospects

This user-specific permission allows users to view and manage unattached prospects. A prospect is considered unattached if they have been added to Greenhouse Recruiting without being assigned to a specific job.

Note: Prospects added to a department or office, but not a job, are still considered unattached.

Job Admin users with this permission assigned will be able to complete the following actions on unattached prospects:

  • Add prospect to jobs as a prospect where the user has Job Admin permissions
  • Convert prospect to a candidate on jobs where the user has Job Admin permissions

Job Admin users with this permission assigned will have the following visibility on profiles that include an unattached prospect process:

  • Activity Feed: Users can view Activity Feed data for the prospect’s profile. The Activity Feed might include information related to jobs where the user does not have Job Admin permissions. This can include activities such as stage changes, form requests, emails, and notes. Users will not see submitted scorecard information for jobs where the user does not have Job Admin permissions.
  • Notes: Users can view public notes added to the prospect’s profile from the Make a Note box.

Can create job stage names

This user-specific permission gives your organization tighter control over your Interview Plans by limiting which users can create new stage names. Without this permission, Job Admins won't be able to create new stage names and will only be able to select stages from a preexisting list.


Limiting which users can create new stage names helps prevent the creation of multiple stages that represent the same step in your Interview Plans, making reporting across multiple jobs a cleaner process.

Additional resources

For more information about the user-specific permissions for the other permission levels, click the links below: