Naukri’s integration with Greenhouse Recruiting simplifies the process of posting open requisitions to seamlessly flow from the external ATS system into Naukri. Recruiters can effortlessly collect applications from Naukri and smoothly transfer them to Greenhouse, streamlining the entire recruitment lifecycle.

By eliminating the need of logging into Naukri separately to consolidate applications, Greeenhouse Recruiting's integration with Naukri allows recruiting teams to conveniently manage the entire hiring cycle within Greenhouse, ensuring a cohesive and efficient process.

Enable the Naukri / Greenhouse Recruiting integration

Note: To use the Naukri integration, clients will need a paid Naukri login subscription, as well as the integration module which has an additional cost. For pricing, contact Naukri.

Create a Harvest API key 

To configure the Greenhouse Recruiting / Naukri integration, you’ll need to create a Harvest API key. 

Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the permissions below are selected when configuring the Naukri integration.


In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: Naukri or Unlisted Vendor
  • Description: Naukri Harvest API Key


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Naukri integration:


  • GET: Retrieve Application
  • PATCH:Update Application
  • POST: Add Attachment to Candidate


  • GET:Retrieve Candidate
  • POST:Add Candidate
  • POST:Add Note
  • POST:Add Email
  • POST:Add Attachment
  • POST:Add Application


  • GET:Retrieve Job
  • PATCH: Update Job
  • POST: Create a New Job

Job Posts

  • GET: Retrieve Job Post for Job
  • GET: List Job Posts for Job

Note: Additional permissions are available and are subject to business parameters that may vary from client to client.

When finished, click Save.

Your Harvest API key for the Greenhouse Recruiting / Naukri integration is created and configured.

Create a webhook 

Note: Users enabling the Naukri / Greenhouse Recruiting integration for the first time will need to create four webhooks using the staging endpoint URLs provided by Naukri.

After finishing integration setup, Naukri will work with you to update the endpoint URLs to the production/live endpoint URLs.

To integrate Naukri with Greenhouse Recruiting, you'll need to create four webhooks. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhooks. 

A Zwayam Amplify API key (referred to below as a generated api key) will be provided by Naukri to complete webhook configuration. To receive this generated key or to manage your key configuration, contact

Use the values listed below to configure the webhooks: 

Webhook 1: Job Post Created

Webhook 2: Update Job post

Webhook 3: Job post deleted

Webhook 4: Candidate has changed stage

After working with the Naukri team to receive your generated API keys for your endpoint URLs, you'll need to add this information as Additional HTTP Headers.

To add your URLs, click on Advanced settings and paste your copied API key provided by Naukri in the field. 

Click Create webhook when finished. 

Create a custom source 

Candidate applications imported to Greenhouse Recruiting by the Naukri integration will need to be attributed to a new custom source.

To create a new custom source, click the Configure icon on your navigation bar, then click Custom Options on the left.


On the subsequent page, click Sources under the Company Metadata section.


On the Manage Sources page, click the Create New Source button.


Use the subsequent dialog box to select the sourcing strategy 3rd party boards and Naukri for the name of the source.

Click Create Source when finished.

Use the Naukri integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

With the Naukri integration, information is synced between using application fields configured on your application forms in Greenhouse Recruiting. Additionally, Naukri supports custom job field syncing and will assist with field configuration at initial integration setup. 

To use the Naukri integration successfully, it's recommended to keep your job and application fields static as changes or additions of new required fields may affect integration functionality. 

Note: Candidate fields capturing candidate personal information, employment history, and education background are currently supported by the Naukri / Greenhouse Recruiting integration.   

After using the integration, you may decide you want to share more info between Greenhouse Recruiting and Naukri.

Additional fields list can be shared/mapped if requested/required. Availability will be determined by Naukri based on varied cross mapping and technical feasibility. 

If you would like additional information transferred over, reach out to Naukri Customer Success with a list of items to request. 

Create a job

To use the Naukri integration, you'll need to create a new job (Add > Create a job) or modify an existing one


Follow the steps outlined in this guide to create a new job in Greenhouse Recruiting. Use the steps below to modify existing jobs with Naukri integration functionality. 

Post jobs to Naukri

After creating a new job or to modify an existing job to start sending jobs to Naukri, open the Job Info tab in the job. (Jobs > Select job from listJob Setup > Job Info)

Toggle Yes on the Edit Job Info page to Send to Naukri


Add relevant data on Naukri dependant fields as custom job fields for experience, salary, and department. Work with the Naukri team to complete full setup of these fields. 

Returning Job URL to Greenhouse

If there are issues syncing your fields or returning Job URL created for the integration, users will encounter a You do not have any credits left to post a job. error surfaced in-app. 


View candidate data in Greenhouse Recruiting

To view candidates imported from Naukri, access the Candidates tab from your personal dashboard. Use the Source filter to search and select candidates associated with Naukri as their source.  

Send candidate feedback to Naukri

Naukri captures the first candidate status change during Application Review and syncs back to the candidate application within the Naukri portal, increasing recruiter efficiency. 

Actioning candidates also trains the Intelligent Layer to predict and share more accurate recommendations on the candidate profile using their application details and submitted feedback. to provide a skills percentage score indicating a candidate being either a High, Medium, or Low Match for your open positions.

Additional resources

For additional information not covered here, reach out to the Naukri team at