Permissions: Job Admins who can manage company metadata, and Site Admins

Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

By default, Greenhouse Recruiting comes with more than 180 sources configured for your organization. Additionally, your organization can add to this list with specific custom sources. This article covers how to add a custom source to this list.

Click the Configure icon in the upper right-hand corner and select Custom Options from the left-hand panel.


On the subsequent page, click Sources under the Company Metadata section.


On the Manage Sources page, click the Create New Source button.


Use the subsequent dialog box to select a sourcing strategy and provide a name for the source.

Click Create Source when finished.


Note: Every custom source must be associated with a sourcing strategy. You can add additional sourcing strategies in Custom Options.

Your newly created source will appear under the Sources list.


Your new source also will be added to dropdown menus for tracking links and on the candidate's Details tab. To learn more on how to create a tracking link to your custom source, visit: Create a Tracking Link for a Single Job Post