Permissions: Basic and above who can configure Workday®️ integrations

Product tier: Available for Expert subscription tier with HRIS Link add-on

With HRIS Link, you can easily import and update jobs, offices, departments, and user accounts to maintain parity between your HRIS and Greenhouse Recruiting.

As your organization grows and changes over time, you can update your ISU credentials and report URLs directly in HRIS Link.

Tip: If you need to manage HRIS Link for hired candidates, click here.

Manage ISUs and reports

First, ensure your HRIS Link sync has been constructed according to our specifications:

Job import

Set up HRIS Link job import with 'job requisitions' enabled

Set up HRIS Link job import without 'job requisitions' enabled

User import

Set up HRIS Link user import

Office / department import

Set up HRIS Link office and department import

Next, copy the report URL and your ISU credentials from Workday®️.

Note: The Workday®️ ISU should have full access to the HRIS report and all its fields.

In Greenhouse Recruiting, navigate to Configure Configure icon > Dev Center > HRIS Link.

Hover over the specific import you wish to set up and click Set up.

HRIS Link management page shows Jobs import Set up button highlighted in a marigold emphasis box

Note: If you're updating an existing import, hover over the link and click the Edit Edit icon icon.

Paste the report URL from Workday®️. The report should follow the report specifications outlined in our guide.

Enter the username and password for your Workday®️ ISU.


  • To keep your data secure, use a password that combines letters, numbers, and characters.
  • Your ISU should have access to the report and all its fields in Workday®️. 

Finally, enter at least one email in the Admin Email to receive notifications after each sync. Multiple emails can be entered separated by a comma. 

When you're finished, click Save.

Be careful when updating report URLs or credentials. Once enabled, we'll begin syncing information immediately to Greenhouse Recruiting.

Click Confirm Save.

A box says Save HRIS Link configuration Use caution when updating report URLs or credentials. Once enabled HRIS Link will begin syncing information from your HRIS report to Greenhouse Recruiting and the Confirm Save box is highlighted by marigold box

Reach out to your Greenhouse technical consultant to request the new report / credentials be enabled for your organization. They'll validate the report for any errors, then let you know when HRIS Link is running with the credentials provided.

The HRIS Link management page shows Departments  Jobs  Offices  and Users enabled

Once enabled, HRIS Link will check for updates every 15 minutes using the report URL and credentials, syncing changes automatically from your HRIS to Greenhouse Recruiting.

Note: Greenhouse Recruiting is not sponsored by, affiliated with, or endorsed by Workday®️.