Permissions: Job Admin and above

Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

The assign scorecard feature allows you to request candidate feedback from one of your team members without first scheduling the team member to conduct an interview. 

Assign a scorecard

Start by going to a candidate's profile. From the On job section, go to the stage containing the interview and click Assign scorecard. If you're using a scheduling integration, the information may be under the ellipses icon. 

Choose the interviewers from the list and click Save. The candidate's interview plan will now include the assigned scorecards, but they're be marked as "scorecard only."

Note: @mentioning the user to notify them of the assigned scorecard is a good way to keep your team involved.

If your team sends new scorecard notifications to interviewers, users who were assigned a scorecard without a scheduled interview will receive New Scorecard Notifications as scorecards are submitted. 

Locate a scorecard link

Interviewers can find a scorecard link on their Dashboard for any upcoming or past interviews.


Scorecard links are also included in email invitations for upcoming interviews. 

If you need to locate a scorecard link directly, you can send a scorecard reminder and copy and paste the link from the email template


Note: In order for the scorecard link to be included in the email, the scorecard token must be included in the email template