In an effort to improve our suite of products, Greenhouse Software regularly releases new product features, updates, and improvements. Stay up-to-date with what's new at Greenhouse by Following our Release Notes.

Find our releases for this week below:


Greenhouse Recruiting





  • For more information regarding updates to our API, click here.
 Date  Description
 Apr 8, 2019 Added interviewer to Scorecard object
 Mar 18, 2019  Added ability to delete a Candidate Tag via DELETE: Destroy a Candidate Tag
 Mar 6, 2019  Added linked_candidate_ids to Users Endpoints
 Feb 28, 2019  Added primary_email_address to Users Endpoints
 Feb 28, 2019  Added updated_at to Jobs Endpoints
 Feb 13, 2019  Added ability to create new candidate tags via POST: Add New Candidate Tag
 Feb 1, 2019  Added partial response (HTTP Status code 202) to POST: Create Job




Bug Fixes

  • For organizations using Outlook 365, we updated our time zone configuration for Buenos Aires to Argentina Standard Time. 
  • We released a fix for bulk editing stages whereby adding a new stage could override the Offer Stage as the last stage requirement. With this fix, the Offer stage will always be the last stage when bulking editing a job. 
  • From the All Candidates page, users assigned as Interviewers on jobs can now successfully use the Filter by Job panel on the left-hand side.