Jointl enables your organization to invite candidates to go through all the stages of Jointl Flows linked to the Greenhouse job, for example, pre-screening, skills assessments, reference check, and more. Jointl allows you to collect more cross-verified insights, avoid bad hires, and reduce hiring costs compared to traditional candidate screening and checking methods.

Jointl's integration with Greenhouse Recruiting enables you to seamlessly add Jointl Flows to a job's interview plan, trigger them when the candidate is moved to a selected stage, track progress, and view extended Jointl data in the candidate profile directly in Greenhouse.

Enable the Jointl Integration

Jointl provides 2 integration scenarios depending on the integration depth, your existing workflow, and the candidate details collected by Jointl that you would like to access within Greenhouse. There is one integration setup process, regardless of which scenario you decide to use. While you can use both scenarios on your account simultaneously, it is best practice not to use both scenarios for the same job in Greenhouse. Instead, select which scenario will be used for each job.

Create an Assessment API Key on Jointl

To start, add the Greenhouse app in the Apps section on Jointl.

Click on the profile photo and click Apps.

Click New Connection.

Select Greenhouse from the dropdown list.

Click Create key to generate a new Assessment API key.

Name the key, store it in a safe place before clicking Save, and then click Save.

Fill out the form at or click here to open a ticket with Greenhouse Technical Support.

Note: Don't send the API key in this initial email. Greenhouse Technical Support will respond with a SendSafely link for you to securely share your API key.

Once Greenhouse Technical Support receives your API key via SendSafely, they will email you to confirm that your API key has been set up in your account and that your integration is enabled.

Note: To verify your identity, Greenhouse Technical Support might request you provide a support verification code before adding the API key to your organization's account.

Create a Harvest API Key

Next, you’ll need to create a Harvest API key.

Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the permissions below are selected when configuring the Jointl integration. Be sure to copy the key as you’ll need to add it on Jointl in the next step.


In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: Jointl or Unlisted Vendor
  • Description: Jointl Harvest API key


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Jointl integration:

  • Applications
    • Select all
  • Candidates
    • Select all
  • Jobs
    • Get: Retrieve Job
    • Get: List Jobs
  • Job Stages
    • Select all
  • Custom Fields
    • Get: Get custom fields
  • Prospect Pool
    • Select all
  • Users
    • Get: List Users
    • Get: Retrieve User

When you’re finished, store your key and click Save. Your Harvest API key for the Jointl integration has been created and configured.

Head back to Jointl and click Add key in the Greenhouse Harvest API settings 

Enter the key name, paste the recently created Harvest API key, and provide the email address of the generic Greenhouse system user with a ‘Site Admin’ permission level on whose behalf Jointl will push Jointl events to Greenhouse and add extra data to Greenhouse candidate profiles. It’s recommended to use the name ‘Jointl Notifications’ to make notifications from Jointl recognizable in the Greenhouse Activity Feed.

Note: For the generic Greenhouse user email, you can either use an existing Greenhouse admin user with access to all jobs, or create a new service user for Jointl integration, for example, with the name ‘Jointl’.

Click Save.

Create webhooks

Next, you’ll need to create 9 webhooks. Webhooks allow specific events to be updated in real-time in Jointl and trigger Flows. Before you can create the webhooks in Greenhouse Recruiting, you'll need to create a webhook API key in Jointl.

Create a Webhook API key on Jointl.

Click Create key in the Greenhouse Webhooks settings on Jointl.

Name the key, store the automatically generated key and Endpoint URL in a safe place before clicking Save. Then, click Save.

You can also allow Jointl to automatically create Flow drafts when new jobs are added in Greenhouse. Activate this feature in the Greenhouse Webhooks settings by turning on the ‘Create Flow automatically’ option.

Use the generated key and Endpoint URL when setting up Webhooks in Greenhouse.

Create webhooks in Greenhouse Recruiting

Follow the steps in this article to configure webhooks in Greenhouse. Use the values listed below to configure the webhooks.

Webhooks below are used to automatically create drafts of Flows when jobs are created in Greenhouse and to archive Flows when jobs are deleted in Greenhouse:

Webhook 1: Job created

  • Name: Jointl [Job Created]
  • When: Job Created
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL from the Jointl webhooks settings
  • Secret key: Enter the Webhook API key from the Jointl webhooks settings

Webhook 2: Job deleted

  • Name: Jointl [Job Deleted]
  • When: Job Deleted
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL from the Jointl webhooks settings
  • Secret key: Enter the Webhook API key from the Jointl webhooks settings

Note: Webhooks 3 through 7 are used to automatically synchronize candidate statuses between Greenhouse and Jointl.

Webhook 3: Candidate hired

  • Name: Jointl [Candidate Hired]
  • When: Candidate has been hired
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL from the Jointl webhooks settings
  • Secret key: Enter the Webhook API key from the Jointl webhooks settings

Webhook 4: Candidate unhired

  • Name: Jointl [Candidate Unhired]
  • When: Candidate has been unhired
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL from the Jointl webhooks settings
  • Secret key: Enter the Webhook API key from the Jointl webhooks settings

Webhook 5: Candidate or prospect rejected

  • Name: Jointl [Candidate or prospect rejected]
  • When: Candidate or prospect rejected
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL from the Jointl webhooks settings
  • Secret key: Enter the Webhook API key from the Jointl webhooks settings

Webhook 6: Candidate or prospect unrejected

  • Name: Jointl [Candidate or prospect unrejected]
  • When: Candidate or prospect unrejected
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL from the Jointl webhooks settings
  • Secret key: Enter the Webhook API key from the Jointl webhooks settings

Webhook 7: Candidate deleted

  • Name: Jointl [Delete candidate]
  • When: Delete candidate
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL from the Jointl webhooks settings
  • Secret key: Enter the Webhook API key from the Jointl webhooks settings

Note: Webhooks 8 and 9 automatically trigger Flows in Greenhouse when candidates are moved to the next stage or when they apply to a job.

Webhook 8: Candidate has submitted application

  • Name: Jointl [Candidate has submitted application]
  • When: Candidate has submitted application
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL from the Jointl webhooks settings
  • Secret key: Enter the Webhook API key from the Jointl webhooks settings

Webhook 9: Candidate changes stage

  • Name: Jointl [Candidate has changed stage]
  • When: Candidate has changed stage
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL from the Jointl webhooks settings
  • Secret key: Enter the Webhook API key from the Jointl webhooks settings

Use the Jointl integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

There are two modes of using Jointl integration with Greenhouse: selecting a Flow and sending it to candidates at a specific stage, with possible automation through Greenhouse stage transition rules, OR automatically triggering Flows when moving candidates in Greenhouse to a stage defined via Jointl Automations.

Integration Scenario 1: Running Jointl Flows using Greenhouse's 'Send Test' feature and automating with a Greenhouse stage transition rule

Configure Jointl Flows

Flows are sets of checks that you can run from Greenhouse for selected candidates. You can create one Flow containing all checks or create several separate Flows to run them at specific stages in Greenhouse.

On Jointl, go to Flows and select New Flow.

On the General step, select the Flow type ‘Job Applicants’ and enter the required information, such as the Flow title and the company on whose behalf the checks will be performed. Choose the Job role from the list or enter your own.

For example, you can create a Flow to check references with the title ‘Reference Request - Accounting & Finance’:

Disable Private Flow to make it visible in Greenhouse.

Configure the appropriate checks you want to include in this Flow.

Customize messages to candidates and their references on the Customization step.

Review the Flow settings on the Review step, and click Finish to enable Flow.

At any time, if you need to edit, delete, archive, or duplicate a Flow, click on the Flow in the list to manage it.

To delete, archive, or duplicate the Flow, select the action at the top right corner of the Flow.

Add Jointl to your job's interview plan

Once the Flows are created and integration is enabled for your organization, you'll be able to add Jointl Flow as an interview stage.

To add an interview stage to an existing job in Greenhouse, navigate to your job (Jobs > Job Name) and click Job Setup.

Select Interview Plan on the left side of the page, click Add stage and select the Jointl Flow as the stage.

When finished, click Add to apply the Jointl stage to the job’s interview plan.

Hover over the recently added stage ‘Jointl’ to select Edit.

Select the default ‘Reference Request - Accounting & Finance’ Flow as a test and assign default graders, then click Save.

You can also rename the interview stage's name to ‘Jointl Reference Request’ to make it easily recognizable by the hiring team on the candidate's profile in the future.

If you have any issues or need more details, refer to the instructions provided in this article.

Send and review the test

When candidates apply for the job, Greenhouse Recruiting will display a Send Test link on their candidate profile.

Click Send Test to open the sending settings.

Check the candidate’s email, ensure that the right Jointl Flow and grader are selected. If any of this information is missing or if default values were not set previously at the interview stage, provide the candidate’s email, select the Flow as test, and select the grader.

Click Send Test to send an invitation to the candidate to start the ‘Reference Request - Accounting & Finance’ Flow.

After it has been sent, the ‘Sent’ status will be displayed in Greenhouse Recruiting.

The most recent event from Jointl regarding the candidate’s progress is visible on the right side of the candidate profile.

Note: All events are added as notes by the Jointl system user previously set up in the Greenhouse Harvest API settings on Jointl.

To track the detailed progress of the candidate, click on the Activity Feed.

When at least one reference has been completed, or when the candidate has finished Jointl’s pre-screening or at least one test, the relevant note will be added to the Activity Feed. This is the most convenient way to stay updated on the progress before the Jointl Flow is finally completed and becomes visible in Greenhouse.

Once the Jointl Flow is fully completed, you can view the updated status and final grade in Greenhouse.

Click on the Jointl Reference Request stage to see the results in the Interview Kit.

The Interview Kit also contains a link to view the detailed results on Jointl.

To view candidate’s results on Jointl, click View Report.

The summary about the candidate is available on the Overview tab.

Detailed progress for each active stage within Jointl Flows is available on the relevant tab. For example, for reference checking, results are available on the References tab.

To download the full report as a PDF, click the Report icon at the top right corner.

Automatically trigger Jointl Flows through a Greenhouse transition rule

If you wish to automate the sending of Jointl Flows to your candidates, create a stage transition rule. Once configured, Flows will be triggered to send automatically after a candidate moves into the Jointl stage.

Integration Scenario 2: Running Jointl Flows using Jointl Automation

Once the integration on the Jointl and Greenhouse sides is enabled, you’ll be able to use Jointl Automation and run Jointl Flows automatically when the candidate is moved to Jointl stage.

Add Jointl to your job's interview plan

To add an interview stage to an existing job in Greenhouse, navigate to your job (Jobs > Job Name) and click Job Setup.

Select Interview Plan on the left side of the page, click Add stage.

Select the relevant stage, for example, Reference Check, and click Add to apply the stage to the job’s interview plan.

It’s recommended to rename the interview stage's name to ‘Jointl Reference Check’ to make it easily recognizable by the hiring team on the candidate's profile in the future.

Hover over the recently added stage ‘Reference Check’ and click ‘Edit interview name’. Enter 'Jointl Reference Check' as the name, then click Save.

Connect the Jointl Flow to Greenhouse Recruiting

Once the job is created in Greenhouse and if the ‘Create Flow automatically’ option was enabled in the Greenhouse Webhooks settings on Jointl previously (refer to the ‘Create Webhooks’ section above), Jointl will automatically create a draft of the Flow on Jointl.

Complete the Flow setup as described previously in Scenario #1, then proceed to the Automation step to connect this Flow to the corresponding job posting and pipeline stage in Greenhouse Recruiting.

Enable Link with Greenhouse.

Select the job and stage from Greenhouse Recruiting that you would like to integrate with this Flow.

For example, you might like to connect the ‘Reference Request - Accounting & Finance’ Flow to the ‘Accountant’ job and specific stage from Greenhouse.

Select the job that matches the one in Greenhouse, such as the recently created ‘Accountant’ job.

Select the Reference Check interview stage recently added to Greenhouse, and save the edits.

Note: To activate Jointl Automation, ensure the Flow is saved and has the Active status.

You are now ready to begin using this Flow for all the candidates associated with the Greenhouse job linked above. Move the candidate in Greenhouse to the Jointl stage, and Jointl will automatically take care of the rest.

Start Flow

To start Flow, navigate to the candidate profile in Greenhouse Recruiting, and move the candidate to the Jointl stage.

For example, to start the reference check for the candidate using Flow above, move the candidate to the Reference Check stage.

Done! The request for references has been sent to the candidate, and Reference Check is now the current stage!

As the candidate progresses and referees submit their feedback, you can see the most recent activity on the right side of the candidate profile. More events are available on the Activity Feed tab.

Review the results

Click the link in the note to view the detailed results on Jointl.

Note: All events are added as notes by the Jointl system user previously set up in the Greenhouse Harvest API settings on Jointl. When at least one reference has been completed, or when the candidate has finished Jointl’s pre-screening or at least one test, the relevant note will be added to the Activity Feed. This is the most convenient way to stay updated on the progress before the Jointl Flow is finally completed and becomes visible in Greenhouse.

The summary about the candidate is available on the Overview tab.

Detailed progress for each active stage within Jointl Flows is available on the relevant tab. For example, for reference checking, results are available on the References tab.

To download the full report as a PDF, click the Report icon at the top right corner.

Email notifications

Once the candidate has completed pre-screening or at least one test, or if at least one referee has submitted feedback, you will receive an email notification from Jointl with a link to the interim results. Once Jointl Flow is fully completed, Greenhouse will send you an email with a summary of the final results and a link to the full report.

Additional resources

For additional help or troubleshooting not covered here, reach out to Jointl support team at