Permissions: All users

Product tier: Available to all subscription tiers

Note: Before enabling this integration, confirm with your IT team that your organization is using Office 365, and by extension Outlook 365, instead of on-premise-only Microsoft Exchange.

Outlook 365 is part of Office 365, a cloud-based subscription service that allows your organization to create, communicate, and collaborate using Microsoft tools.

Greenhouse Recruiting's integration with Outlook 365 lets your organization schedule, update, and delete interviews from calendars where people have the appropriate permissions.

Note: People at your organization who want to schedule from their personal or shared calendars should enable this integration on their individual Greenhouse Recruiting accounts.

Note: This integration links a single Greenhouse Recruiting user account to a single Outlook 365 account.

Enable the integration

Enable Outlook 365 as a Job Admin or Site Admin

Note: Your Outlook 365 email address must match the primary email address associated with your Greenhouse Recruiting account.

Click Integrations on your navigation bar.

Integrations button highlighted on the Greenhouse Recruiting dashboard page

Search for and select Outlook 365 from the results.

Click Connect.

Connect button highlighted on the Outlook 365 integration panel

Sign in to Outlook 365 using the prompts.

When finished, you'll be redirected back to Greenhouse Recruiting and the Outlook 365 integration will be enabled for your account.

Tip: Are you having trouble connecting? Check out Troubleshoot the Outlook 365 integration.

Connect Outlook 365 as a Basic user

Note: Your Outlook 365 email address must match the primary email address associated with your Greenhouse Recruiting account.

Basic users can enable the Outlook 365 integration. Click your initials at the top-right of any Greenhouse Recruiting page, then click Account Settings from the dropdown.

Account Settings dropdown on the Greenhouse Recruiting dashboard

Scroll to click Connect to Outlook 365.

Connect button highlighted on the Outlook 365 integration panel

Sign in to Outlook 365 using the prompts.

When finished, you'll be redirected back to Greenhouse Recruiting.

The Outlook 365 integration will be enabled for your account.

Tip: Are you having trouble connecting? Check out Troubleshoot the Outlook 365 integration.

Use the integration

View Outlook calendars in Greenhouse

After you enable the Outlook 365 integration, when you send an availability request or schedule an interview, you can select your calendar from the Suggested Times section to help choose options for your candidate.

When you're scheduling an interview, click the Settings icon and choose Outlook 365 from the Calendar Type field.

Click here to read more about candidate availability requests. You can read about scheduling interviews in this article.

Note: Only one calendar can be viewed at a time.

Schedule an interview with your personal or shared calendar

To schedule an interview on a personal or shared Outlook 365 calendar, navigate to a candidate profile with an interview that needs to be scheduled.

Locate the interview to be scheduled and click Schedule Interview.

From the scheduling page, click the Settings Configure-icon.png icon.

Review the Calendar Name dropdown to confirm your preferred personal or shared Outlook 365 calendar is selected.

The time zone dropdown defaults to your account's time zone. Interviews scheduled between time zones are automatically adjusted for the interviewer and the candidate to reflect their respective time zones.

An example calendar settings is shown with a calendar selected for Outlook 365

Tip: Are you unable to find a shared calendar? Check out Troubleshoot the Outlook 365 integration or Create a shared calendar on Outlook 365.

When finished, click Save.

Note: After saving, selected calendar settings will be defaulted for future scheduling across all candidates and jobs unless manually adjusted.

Next, input the interview details such as date and time, interviewers, location, and office.

If the candidate submitted availability, it's indicated in white blocks on the right. Once you add yourself as an interviewer and add a conference room or resource, the free and busy availability for each resource is indicated on the right. Use this view to find the best time for all parties.

The Schedule and Continue button is highlighted at the bottom left

When finished, click Schedule and Continue.

Next, use the schedule summary to confirm the interview details. Select an interviewer invite template from the Templates dropdown, or manually enter your own.

When finished, click Send Invites.

The Send invites button is highlighted at the bottom left

Note: Greenhouse Recruiting's scheduling calendar is added to all of your organization's interviews as a guest.

Once sent, interviewers are invited to the newly created interview on the calendar.

Tip: Candidates aren't automatically notified of scheduled interviews. Send a separate interview confirmation email to the candidate.

Update a scheduled interview

If you need to make an update or cancel an interview scheduled through the Outlook 365 integration, you can do so directly in Greenhouse Recruiting. Click here for more information on rescheduling interviews.

Note: Interviews scheduled with the Outlook 365 integration can only be updated by the person who originally scheduled the interview, and only if one of the following conditions is true:

  • The user scheduled the interview on their personal calendar, or
  • The user scheduled to a shared calendar that was created with an email address also associated with the person's Greenhouse Recruiting account.

Learn more from Microsoft on sharing calendar access with other users.

Tip: Candidates aren't automatically notified of canceled interviews. Send an email to the candidate to update them on the change.