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Greenhouse Recruiting

Improved accessibility

As part of our commitment to accessibility, we’ve implemented the following changes so customers can use accessibility tools within Greenhouse Recruiting:

  • For customers using screen readers, we’ve clarified the instructions for manually pasting text from a resume / CV into the designated text box.
  • We’ve added titles to the job post page and job post confirmation page so screen readers can properly identify the page to customers.
  • When adding a candidate, prospect, or referral to Greenhouse Recruiting, the location field provides a list of suggested cities as you begin typing in the field. Customers who use screen readers and/or keyboard-only navigation are able to read and select the location from the dropdown.
  • We’ve updated the color contrast for links on job boards that use Greenhouse styling. This does not apply to job boards using custom CSS.


Enhanced Harvest API capabilities: With a brand new endpoint, Harvest API can now convert prospects to candidates on jobs. You can read more about the ‘PATCH: Convert prospect to candidate’ endpoint in our Developer Resources.


  • HRIS and onboarding: intelliHR is a Software-as-a-Service model with powerful data at its core, driving employee engagement, performance and retention.
  • Video interviewing: VideoCV is a talent screening tool that brings candidates' soft skills out in the first step of the recruitment process and helps to focus on the candidate's personality. 
  • Other integrations: Built for Teams allows you to easily import your job requisitions from Greenhouse directly into your Built for Teams account.

Bug fixes

  • The Job Approval Requested email notification referenced offers instead of jobs.
  • Customers were unable to sign e-signature documents with HelloSign.