Permissions: Site Admin

Product tier: Available for Advanced and Expert tiers

Job boards are portals between Greenhouse Recruiting and your candidates. Before you publish job posts online, you'll need to create your job board.

Create a job board

To begin, navigate to the Job Boards & Posts configure page. (Configure icon Screenshot of the configure icon. Job Boards & Posts)

Click Create a Job Board.

Screenshot of the create a job board button.

Complete the fields on this page to configure your job board.

Tip: You can update this information at any time by editing the board.

Add a name for your job board in the Company Name field. Then, describe the job board in the Description box.

Screenshot of the create your job board page.

Upload your logo by clicking Browse. By including a Logo Link, users who click your Logo will be directed to this address. Visit this resource for recommended image sizes to use in Greenhouse Recruiting. 

Screenshot of the browse button for the logo upload.

Add a URL name that displays in the browser when candidates access your job board. Screenshot of the url field.

Configure the rest of the fields as needed by your organization. Remember, you can modify these settings at any time:

Note: The Cover letters and resumes via Google Drive feature is only available for Greenhouse-hosted job posts. Read more about job board integration options here.

Click Create.

Publish the job board

On the Job Boards page, click the toggle to change the status to Live. This won't publish any posts, but will publish the URL so the job board can be accessed online.

Screenshot of the job boards status.

Need multiple external job boards? Adding multiple external job boards can be useful for organizations that are comprised of multiple companies that want individual custom job boards for each company. For more information, click here.