Recommended image sizes to use in Greenhouse Recruiting

This article covers recommended image sizes to use in Greenhouse Recruiting for optimal results.

Images can be compressed without losing quality using tools such as TinyPNG, Imagify, or Google Squoosh.

Job boards and posts

Greenhouse recommends a file size for images and logos between 100 - 500 kilobytes(KB); however, compressed media between 100KB - 250KB are ideal for job boards and posts.

Review the sections below for additional sizing information.


For advanced settings, we recommend the following:

Type Size
Resolution 72 or 92 Dots Per Inch (DPI)

Full-width image: 1400 pixels wide

Half-width image: 700 pixels wide

Quarter-width image: 360 pixels wide

Note: Since pixel size depends on the image size, please treat this as a general rule.


Logos added to job boards are automatically resized to under 200 pixels wide or 75 pixels high.

If the logo is less than 200 pixels wide or 75 pixels high when uploaded, Greenhouse Recruiting will attempt to expand the picture which may affect the image quality.

Email templates

Greenhouse recommends a file size for images between 100 - 500 kilobytes(KB); however, images compressed between 100KB - 250KB are ideal for email templates.

For advanced settings, we recommend the following:

Type Size
Resolution 72 or 92 Dots Per Inch (DPI)

Less than 600 pixels wide

Note: Since pixel size depends on the image size, please treat this as a general rule.

Additional resources