Mitratech's Tracker I-9 solves the significant challenges that I-9 and e-verify compliance creates in your hiring process.
With the Tracker I-9 solution, you can fully automate new hire I-9s and e-verify submissions, eliminating extra steps, redundant data entry, and manual processes, using automation software with a perfect track record of zero client fines during any ICE or additional federal agency audit.
Greenhouse Recruiting’s integration with Mitratech's Tracker I-9 provides the ability to create and send an electronic I-9 for candidate completion when marking candidates as hired.
Set up the Greenhouse Recruiting / Tracker I-9 integration
Create a Harvest API key
To configure the Greenhouse Recruiting / Tracker I-9 integration, you'll need to create a Harvest API key.
Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the credentials and permissions below are selected when configuring the Tracker I-9 integration.
In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:
- API type: Harvest
- Partner: Mitratech
- Description: Mitratech Harvest API key
Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Tracker I-9 integration:
- Select all
Custom Field Options
- Select all
Custom Fields
- Select all
- Select all
Save when finished.
Provide your Harvest API key to your Tracker I-9 implementation team at Mitratech so they can set up the integration.
Retrieve your Tracker I-9 webhook credentials
After configuring your Harvest API key for the Tracker I-9 integration, you'll need to create a webhook. Connect with your assigned Tracker I-9 implementation manager to retrieve the following information for the webhook set up:
- Endpoint URL: The URL of the Tracker I-9 webhook receiver supplied by Mitratech.
- Secret Key: Used to generate a signature header that Mitratech uses to verify the hook data was sent from Greenhouse Recruiting. The secret key will be used in conjunction with the webhook’s payload to generate a digital signature
- Subscription Key: A unique value for each client corresponding with Mitratech's client ID. The subscription key ensures only data coming from Greenhouse Recruiting will reach Mitratech's service.
Create a webhook
After receiving your webhook credentials, you can create a webhook for the Tracker I-9 integration. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhook. Use the values listed below to configure the webhooks:
- Name: Tracker I-9 integration
- When: Candidate has been hired
- Endpoint URL: The Endpoint URL provided by Mitratech
- Secret Key: The Secret Key provided by Mitratech
Advanced settings
- Error e-mail: The e-mail to notify if the webhook fails to run
- Additional HTTP headers: The subscription key provided by Mitratech
- Maximum attempts: 5 is recommended
Configure custom offer fields
To successfully create an electronic I-9 for a candidate using the Tracker I-9 integration, you'll also need to create custom offer fields. These custom field options must be an exact match for the options configured in Mitratech for Tracker I-9. Coordinate with your Mitratech implementation team to ensure these values match.
Configure a custom offer field using the following options:
Field 1: Employer
- Name: I9 Employer.
- Type: Single Select
- Options: Enter 1-n employers, placing each option on its own line.
Field 2: Worksite
- Name: I9 Worksite
- Type: Single Select
- Options: Enter your 1-n worksites, placing each option on its own line.
Field 3: Workflow Type
- Name: I9 Workflow Type
- Type: Single Select
Options: Enter the following Mitratech workflows that you will use, placing each option on its own line:
- 0 Employee processed in person
- 2800 Section 1 only processed through link
- 2801 section 1 and section 2 processed through link
- 2808 section 1 processed through link and section 2 processed through Network Alliance
- 2810 Employee Appoint I-9, 2811 Virtual I-9 Pro
Note: Leave a space between the numbers and the text.
Provide email credentials to Mitratech and complete setup
As a final step, Mitratech recommends using email groups to simplify this list and reduce updates. Provide the following information to Tracker I-9 implementation team:
- An email group or list of email addresses for those users who should a notification when an I-9 is successfully processed. Mitratech recommends using email groups to simplify this list and reduce updates.
- An email group or list of email addresses for users who should receive a notification when the integration encounters a validation issue or processing error.
Use the Tracker I-9 integration with Greenhouse Recruiting
Mitratech uses the following candidate data to create an electronic I-9 for a candidate. The following data from Greenhouse Recruiting is required to successfully create an I-9 in Mitratech:
- Candidate First Name
- Candidate Last Name
- Candidate e-mail (for Workflows 2800 Section 1 only processed through link, 2801 section 1 and section 2 processed through link, 2808 section 1 processed through link, section 2 processed through Network Alliance, 2810 Employee Appoint I-9, 2811 Virtual I-9 Pro)
- Employer that the candidate will work for
- Worksite or location where the candidate will work
- The electronic I-9 workflow used for the candidate based on candidate location/needs
Mitratech will validate and monitor the data. If data is missing, the Mitratech team will inform your organization.
Note: Work with Mitratech implementation team to understand the validation and monitoring of the data.
The Metriatech integration occurs in the following order:
- A Greenhouse Recruiting user marks a candidate as hired
- The user enters the start date, employer, worksite, and workflow type in Greenhouse Recruiting and clicks Save. The candidate's status is updated to Offer Accepted.
- Mitratech receives the data from Greenhouse Recruiting using a webhook. If any information is missing, the group or individuals from the above steps are notified.
- When the Greenhouse user updates the missing information, Tracker attempts to get the missing information using the Harvest API.
- Tracker verifies all required data is completed and all errors are addressed. Then, Tracker transforms the data and sends it through the Tracker API to create a new I-9 for an employee.
- Tracker transform data and call the corresponding Tracker API
- An e-mail is sent to the email groups selected in the section above to notify them of a successful I-9 creation.
Process the I-9 and E-Verify the case in Tracker
When an I-9 is created, the candidate will receive an email with an embedded link to access Section 1 of the I-9.
After the candidate completes sections 1 and 2 of the I-9, case details will be submitted to E-Verify and any results will be displayed in Mitratech.
Additional resources
For additional information or troubleshooting not covered here, reach out to your Mitratech implementation manager.