In Greenhouse Recruiting, the process to edit openings on an existing job depends on that job's approval process. In this article, we'll cover how to edit openings on a job that has a two-stage approval process.
To edit an opening on a job with a two-stage approval process, click Jobs from the navigation bar and select the job from the subsequent list.
Click Approvals and select Edit Job & Openings.
Scroll to the Openings section and select a specific opening on the left.
The details for the selected opening populate on the right. You can edit any of the details listed below.
Edit opening ID
Opening IDs allow your organization to track openings on jobs in a systematic fashion based on naming conventions unique to your company's internal processes.
To edit the opening ID on an opening, find the Opening ID field for the opening and input a new value.
Click Save Changes when finished.
Edit opening status
An opening's status can be toggled between Open and Closed. Click here to learn more about how to close an opening on a job.
To change the status of an opening, toggle between Open or Closed from the Status dropdown.
Click Save Changes when finished.
Edit open date
An opening's open date allows your organization to see when a job opening was opened. This field is editable since some organizations may have evergreen jobs that are perpetually open and you will want to update the open date for more accurate time to hire data.
To edit the open date, click the Open Date dropdown and use the calendar to select a new open date.
Click Save Changes when finished.
Note: If you manually change an opening's open or close dates, you should ensure that the job open and close dates (under Job Setup > Job Info) are also changed to match. This will ensure your reports don't show disparate data.
Edit the target start date
An opening's target start date allows your organization to set a goal against a job opening. This can help keep your hiring team on track and allows your organization to measure hiring performance.
To edit the target start date for an opening, click the Target Start Date dropdown and use the calendar to select a new target start date.
Click Save Changes when finished.
Edit the close date
An opening's close date can only be edited when the opening's status is set to closed. Edit the close date by clicking the Close Date dropdown. Use the calendar to select a new close date.
Click Save Changes when finished.
Note: If you manually change an opening's open or close dates, you should ensure that the job open and close dates (under Job Setup > Job Info) are also changed to match. This will ensure your reports don't show disparate data.
Edit close reason
An opening's close reason can only be edited when the opening's status is set to closed. Edit the close reason by selecting a close reason from the Select Reason dropdown.
Click Save Changes when finished.
Edit a custom opening field
Note: The custom opening field feature is available for the Advanced and Expert subscription tiers.
A custom opening field allows your organization to record select information on a per-opening basis rather than for the entire job. Custom opening fields are displayed at the end of the opening details.
Edit the response to the custom opening field and click Save.
Once edited, the new value for the custom opening fields appears on the job status report.
Note: Custom opening fields can be edited for open, pending, and closed job openings.