While your Greenhouse Recruiting account is focused on optimizing the hiring process, Beamery’s Talent CRM gives companies everything you need to engage with talent before they apply. With Beamery, every talent interaction can be highly personalized to create a unique candidate experience for each person your company speaks to.

Greenhouse Recruiting's integration with Beamery offers the best-in-class integrated CRM and ATS solution for the highest functioning sourcing and recruiting teams. The integration allows you to effectively identify past applicants with profiles that could match new roles and re-engage them with marketing content and job updates.

Create a Harvest API key for the Beamery integration

To configure the Greenhouse Recruiting / Beamery integration, you'll need to create a Harvest API key.

Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the credentials and permissions below are selected when configuring the key.


In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API type: Harvest
  • Partner: Beamery (optional)
  • Description: Beamery Harvest API Key


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Beamery integration:


  • Select all


  • Select all


  • Select all


  • Select all


  • Select all

Scheduled Interviews

  • Select all

Activity Feed

  • Select all


  • Select all

Email Templates

  • Select all


  • Select all

Job Posts

  • Select all

Job Stages

  • Select all


  • Select all

Rejection reasons

  • Select all


  • Select all


  • Select all


  • Select all

User roles

  • Select all

Tracking links

  • Select all


  • Select all

Job openings

  • Select all

Custom fields

  • Select all

Custom field options

  • Select all

Close reasons

  • Select all


  • Select all

Prospect pool

  • Select all

Demographic data

  • Select all

Custom locations

  • Select all

If any of the permissions above are not checked, place a check in the box next to the appropriate permission. Click Save when finished.

Your Harvest API key for the Greenhouse Recruiting / Beamery integration is created and configured. You'll enter it into Beamery's platform using the step below.

Create an Ingestion API key for the Beamery integration

To integrate with Beamery, you'll need to create an Ingestion API key and provide it to Beamery.

Follow the steps in this article for more information on creating an Ingestion API key. Once the key is created, provide it to Beamery using the step below they can set up the integration with Greenhouse Recruiting.

Enter Greenhouse Recruiting keys on Beamery

Harvest API key

Once your Greenhouse Harvest API key is copied, navigate to your Beamery account. Open the settings menu by clicking the Gear icon in the bottom left of the navigation panel.

From the Settings menu, scroll to Data Management and click Greenhouse. This will direct you to the Greenhouse integration page.

On the Greenhouse integration page, paste the Greenhouse Harvest API key that you generated into the Import to Beamery - Harvest Key field.

When finished, click Save Credentials.

Ingestion API key

Once your Greenhouse Harvest API key is copied, navigate to your Beamery account. Open the settings menu by clicking the Gear icon in the bottom left of the navigation panel.

From the Settings menu, scroll to Data Management and click Greenhouse. This will direct you to the Greenhouse integration page.

On the Greenhouse integration page, paste the Greenhouse candidate ingestion API key that you generated and copied into the Export to Greenhouse - Ingestion API Key field.

When finished, click Save Credentials.

Create web hooks for the Beamery integration

Once your Greenhouse Recruiting keys are saved in Beamery, Beamery will generate a secret key and an endpoint URL for you to add to your Greenhouse Recruiting account. You will need to copy both to complete the integration setup.

Follow the steps in this article to create your web hooks. You will need to create 14 web hooks to complete the integration. Use the values listed below to configure the web hooks:

  • Name: A descriptive name for the integration webhook. Most customers choose to differentiate the Beamery web hooks through naming them by 'when' they trigger.
  • When: The time that the event will be sent to Beamery. Create 14 different web hooks for the following different times:
    • Prospect created
    • Candidate has submitted application
    • Candidate or prospect updated
    • Delete candidate
    • Merge candidate
    • Candidate anonymized
    • Application updated
    • Candidate has been hired
    • Candidate has been unhired
    • Canddate has changed stage
    • Candidate or prospect rejected
    • Candidate or prospect unrejected
    • Offer deleted
    • Delete application
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL provided by Beamery.
  • Secret key: Enter the secret key provided by Beamery.

Use the Beamery integration

Terminology and data flows

It's important to review terminological differences between the Greenhouse Recruiting and Beamery to better understand how data flows between the two platforms. Check out the table below to review how prospects, candidates, and jobs are referred to in each system:

Beamery Greenhouse Recruiting Description
Contact (prospect) Prospect A person not assigned to any vacancy / job.
Contact (candidate) Candidate A person assigned to at least 1 vacancy / job.
Vacancy Job A role in the company.
Vacancy stages Interview stage Stages in a hiring process.

Once the integration is enabled, changes in any of your candidate data in Greenhouse Recruiting will be reflected in Beamery, and any data changed in Beamery will be updated in Greenhouse Recruiting.

Note: After enabling the integration, the initial syncing process takes about 24 hours.

Create an automated rule to add candidates to Greenhouse Recruiting

Now that your integration is set up, you have the option to create automated conditions to move qualified candidates you've engaged in Beamery to your account in Greenhouse Recruiting for screening. This way, you can have all your contacts in Beamery, but only sync contacts that you want to move to a screening stage.

To create a recipe, navigate to Beamery and click on your initials in the top right-hand corner of the page. Select Settings from the dropdown menu and select Recipes from the settings menu.

Set up a recipe to automatically push candidates from Beamery into Greenhouse Recruiting when they meet certain criteria.