Greenhouse Recruiting enables your organization to create multiple external job boards. This feature is particularly useful for organizations that are comprised of multiple companies that want individual custom job boards for each company.
Note: There is no limit to the total number of external job boards your organization can create.
Create an external job board
Open the Configure Job Boards page and click Create a Job Board. (Configure icon > Job Boards & Posts)
Enter your new job board's details. Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to see all available fields.
Note: All additional job boards will initially be hosted by Greenhouse Recruiting unless a user with developer permissions provides a new job board URL. To learn more about the difference between Greenhouse-hosted and non-hosted job boards and how to edit the job board URL, click here.
When you finish, click Create.
Change your new job board's status to live
Go back to the Configure Job Boards page.
In the Job Boards section, find your new job board. Click the Status button to toggle the board from Off to Live.
Configure developer settings for your new job board
By default, your organization's new job board will be hosted by Greenhouse Recruiting and will have the Root URL We will then affix your job board token to the Root URL to distinguish it between it and other job boards in your organization.
However, Greenhouse users with the user-specific permission Can manage Job Board related API Credentials can customize the job board URL if the job board will be hosted on a different server, plus any other settings for the external job board.
For more information, see the articles below:
Direct job posts to your new job board
When you create a new job or edit an existing job, use the Post To dropdown to select the job board that the job post will appear on.
Note: Each job post can only be posted to one external board. However, your organization can duplicate job posts and post them to different job boards.
To move multiple job posts to a new job board, you can edit them in bulk.