Paychex offers HR and payroll solutions to fit the needs of any size business. The Paychex Flex integration with Greenhouse Recruiting allows a one-way sync where a new hire in Greenhouse Recruiting intiates the creation of a new worker in Paychex Flex. The worker's record is populated with information from their application and job details in Greenhouse Recruiting. From there, hiring and entering additional details for the worker can be completed within Paychex Flex.

Set up the integration

Setup of the Paychex Flex integration with Greenhouse Recruiting is a collaborative process between you, a Paychex Payroll Specialist, and a Paychex Integration Support Specialist.

Create an ISU

Rather than requiring a specific user at your organization to authenticate an integration, which could cause downstream errors if the person loses permissions or can't access Greenhouse Recruiting, an ISU allows you to create a solid infrastructure for your organization's integration needs.

Follow the steps in this article to create an ISU in Greenhouse Recruiting for the Paychex integration Name the ISU Paychex integration.

Save the ISU's email address for use in a later step.

Create a Harvest API key

Next, create a Harvest API key.

Follow the steps in this article to create the key and verify that the permissions below are selected when configuring the new key:

In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API type: Harvest
  • Partner: Paychex or Unlisted Vendor
  • Description: Paychex Harvest API key

Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Paychex integration:


  • GET: List departments
  • GET: Retrieve department


  • GET: List users


  • GET: List candidates
  • GET: Retrieve candidates


  • GET: Retrieve offices
  • GET: List offices

Custom fields

  • POST: Create custom field
  • PATCH: Update custom field
  • GET: Get custom fields

Save your API key to a secure location for use in the next step.

Enable on Paychex

Note: Only Admin users in Flex can access and manage these settings.

Next, log in to Paychex Flex, and click Company Settings > Integrated Apps.

Click Integrated Apps to open your app drawer. Find the Greenhouse by Paychex integration.

Toggle Allow Access, then click Enter Credentials.

Enter the following information:

  • API key: Paste the API key created in the last step.
  • User email: Paste the email address of the ISU account created in the previous step.
  • Environment: Select Production.

Click Connect.

Note: You can use this workflow to edit or disconnect these credentials later. However, for data security, the API key isn't visible after it's entered.

Create a webhook

Finally, log in to Greenhouse Recruiting to create a webhook. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhook, and use the values listed below to configure the webhook:

  • Name: Paychex integration
  • When: Candidate has been hired
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the Endpoint URL provided by Paychex
  • Secret key: Enter the secret key, or signing key, provided by Paychex

Once complete, the Paychex integration is setup and ready to use.

Use the integration

When candidates are marked as hired in Greenhouse Recruiting, candidate data is transferred to Paychex Flex. The integration then uses the candidate's email address to either create a new worker record in Paychex Flex or update a previously synchronized worker.

A candidate named Jarran Wood is shown on the Technical Support Specialist job with the Mark Candidate as Hired button highlighted in marigold

Note: In general, it takes about 5 minutes for new hires to sync to Paychex.

The following information is synced by default from Greenhouse Recruiting to Paychex Flex:

Greenhouse Recruiting field Paychex Flex field Notes
First Name First Name  
Last Name Last Name  
Email Address Worker Email, personal or business Greenhouse Recruiting has three email types: personal, work, and other. By default, the personal email type is used for Flex Personal Email, and the work email type is used for Flex Work Email. These defaults can be modified during integration setup by Paychex Flex. In the event a candidate has multiple email addresses of the same type, the first email address is synced.
Phone Number Phone Number Greenhouse Recruiting has five phone number types: home, work, mobile, Skype, and other. By default, the personal phone number type is used for Flex Personal Phone, the work phone number type is used for Flex Work Phone, and the mobile phone number type is used for Flex Mobile Phone. These defaults can be modified during integration setup by Paychex Flex. In the event a candidate has multiple phone numbers of the same type, the first phone number is synced.

New hire workers

When a candidate is hired in Greenhouse Recruiting with an email address that doesn't match a currently integrated Paychex Flex worker, the integration identifies them as a newly hired worker and creates a new in progress worker with information pulled from the Greenhouse Recruiting candidate profile.

Re-hired workers

When a candidate is hired in Greenhouse Recruiting with an email address that matches a currently integrated Paychex Flex worker, the integration identifies them as an existing worker. If the worker is currently terminated or inactive within Paychex Flex, they'll be rehired or reactivated with updated information from the Greenhouse Recruiting candidate profile.

Custom fields

In addition to standard fields, the integration can sync custom candidate fields to Paychex Flex. During the integration's implementation, you can choose which custom fields are used, along with any other customizations. Check out these additional custom fields options below:

Greenhouse Recruiting custom field Paychex flex custom field Notes
Worker type Worker type

For options, use:

  • Employee
  • Contractor
  • Independent Contractor

If this custom field isn't used, or a value isn't provided, the integration defaults new workers to "Employee" worker type.

Note: This field can't be modified during a rehire event.

Hire date Hire date  
Type of Employment Employment type

For options, use:

  • Full Time
  • Part Time
Home Address Line 1 Home Address Line 1  
Home Address Line 2 Home Address Line 2  
Home Address City Home Address City  
Home Address State Home Address State  
Home Address Zip Home Address Zip  
Rate Type Rate 1 Type

For options, use:

  • Hourly
  • Annual Salary
  • Per Pay Period Salary
  • Piecework Rate
  • Daily Rate
Rate Amount Rate 1 Amount  
Ethnicity Ethnicity

For options, use:

  • Hispanic or Latino
  • White, Not of Hispanic Origin
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Island
  • Asian
  • American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • Two or More Races
  • Prefer not to answer

Note: This field can't be modified during a rehire event.

Gender Gender

For options, use:

  • Male
  • Female
  • Not Specified
Birth Date Birth Date


Name Suffix Name Suffix


Salutation Salutation


Preferred Name Preferred Name


Middle Name Middle Initial


Fed Filing Status Federal Filing Status


Job Position Title Job Title


Note: The custom field names listed are defaults and may be modified on request to Paychex. For example, Birth Date could be set to show as Date of Birth in Greenhouse Recruiting.

Additional resources

For a detailed integration walkthrough or troubleshooting not covered here, reach out to your dedicated Paychex representative.