If you've taken steps to verify your domain, but the table on your Email Settings page shows ellipsis icons instead of check mark icons
, your domain still needs to be verified.
Follow the steps below to troubleshoot verifying your domain.
Has it been 48 hours since you verified your domain?
It may take up to 48 hours for DNS changes to appear. If the table on your Email Settings page indicates your new domain is not verified right away, try checking again later.
Do the values you shared with your DNS provider match what appears in Greenhouse Recruiting?
Mistakes can happen when copying and pasting records. Double check to confirm the values you entered in your DNS provider's settings match what appears in Greenhouse Recruiting.
To do this, navigate to the Email Verification page (Configure > Email Settings), and find the columns Hostname and Required Value.
Check the text in those columns and confirm it matches what you shared with your DNS provider.
Are your SPF and DKIM records set to type TXT?
When you update your DNS provider's settings to include your Greenhouse Recruiting values, both the SPF and DKIM records need to have the type TXT. Occasionally, the SPF record's type is set to SPF, which is incorrect.
Check your DNS provider's settings to make sure the SPF and DKIM types are set to TXT. For help locating your DNS provider's settings, review How do I edit my DNS settings?
Does your web hosting service imply your organization's domain when adding DNS records?
Some web hosting services like GoDaddy and Squarespace automatically assume the URL of your website, so you don’t need to include it in the hostname value.
For example, if you enter gh-mail.exampledomain.com and your web hosting service implies your domain name, your domain name will appear as gh-mail.exampledomain.com.exampledomain.com, which is incorrect.
You may need to delete the duplicated domain name to successfully verify your email domain. For guidance, visit Verify an email domain using a web host with domain implied.
If you've completed these steps and still need help, reach out to Greenhouse Technical Support.