Certain web hosting services like GoDaddy, SquareSpace, or NameCheap imply your organization's domain when adding DNS records. This means that your web host service will automatically append your organization's domain to all added DNS records.
Note: Please check with your IT team to see if your web hosting service implies your organization's domain when adding DNS records.
For organizations using a web hosting service that implies your domain for DNS records, you'll need to edit the Email Your IT Department email as part of the email verification process.
Once you've registered your domain with Greenhouse Recruiting under Configure > Email Settings, click Email Your I.T. Department.
Greenhouse Recruiting will populate the information needed by your IT team to verify your domain in an email. However, since your organization is using a web host with the domain implied, the Hostname column needs to be edited.
Remove your domain from each DNS record in the Hostname column (everything after gh-mail).
Note: Because your web host already appends your domain, if these entries are not edited you'll essentially be trying to verify a duplicative record, like gh-mail.redesign.greenhouse.io.redesign.greenhouse.io, that will cause your DNS settings to fail.
Once the entries are edited, click Send.
Your IT Team will use these edited records to verify your domain.