Permissions: Owners and Coordinators

Product tier: Available for Greenhouse Onboarding and Greenhouse Welcome subscription tiers

After you've converted a pending hire to a new hire, any additional changes made to your new hire's start date or other fields in Greenhouse Recruiting will automatically be pushed to Greenhouse Onboarding. You'll be able to confirm and accept these changes to see them reflected in your new hire's employee profile.

Use the new hire changes report in Greenhouse Onboarding to keep track of changes sent from Greenhouse Recruiting.

View new hire changes report

To find your new hire changes report, click Reports in the top navigation bar.

Greenhouse Onboarding homepage with reports tab highlighted in the navigation bar

Select View new hire changes from the Reports panel.

View new hire changes button highlighted on the reports page

Once your report generates, you'll find a list of all changes made to new hire fields that have been sent from Greenhouse Recruiting to Greenhouse Onboarding.

New hire changes report page with listed changes highlighted

New hire changes report fields

Field name Field info
New hire The new hire whose information has been updated in Greenhouse Recruiting
Change type The field updated in Greenhouse Recruiting
Details The value that has been changed in the above field

Accept or dismiss new hire changes

You can use your new hire changes report to accept or dismiss any updates to new hire fields sent from Greenhouse Recruiting.

Click Accept all to accept the changes. This will automatically update the relevant field in your new hire's Greenhouse Onboarding profile.

Click Dismiss to reject the changes from Greenhouse Recruiting. Your new hire's employee profile will not be updated in Greenhouse Onboarding.

Accept all and dismiss buttons highlighted on the new hire changes report

Note: Changes will no longer appear in your new hire changes report once you accept or dismiss them. If you accidentally dismiss a change, you can manually update the new hire's information in their employee profile.

Additional resources