The request candidate availability feature simplifies the scheduling process and reduces the need to navigate between multiple calendars when coordinating interviews.
Send a request candidate availability email
Note: Organizations with an Advanced or Expert subscription tier can automate this process via Candidate Availability Request Rules. Click here to learn more.
You can only request a candidate's availability after that candidate has progressed to a stage with a scheduled interview component (for instance the preliminary phone screen, phone interview, and face to face stages).
You can request a candidate's availability under the To-do tab of a stage on their candidate profile.
From the Availability dialog box, you can create an email that will be delivered to the candidate. The body of the email will be drawn directly from your Candidate Availability Request Message template or can be entered manually into the Body field.
For more information on how to edit this template, click here.
You can suggest some interview times to help coordinate the interviewer's and candidate's schedules using the calendar at the bottom of the email window.
Click and drag in the calendar to create proposed times for your calls or interviews. Create as many slots as necessary. If you accidentally create a selection, click X in the upper right corner of the selection to delete it.
Note: Calendars for individual interviewers can only be viewed one at a time. To see a colleague's calendar, you will need to have been granted Make changes to events permissions on their calendar.
When you're finished, click Send Email.
You can always resend this email and the suggested interview times (or an edited version of these times) by clicking Request Candidate Availability again under the candidate's stage.
Candidate's response to an availability request
Your Candidate Availability Request email to the candidate includes a link to their own scheduling window where the candidate can see your message, suggested time, and input their availability.
The candidate will be able to click-and-drag their cursor to choose their availability and click Submit Availability to send back the email.
Suggested times can be found by clicking View availability on their profile.
When you're ready, click Schedule Interview to start the scheduling process. Learn more about scheduling interviews here.
Manually change status
In some cases, you may want to manually add a candidate's availability, or mark that it was received through other means, like scheduling on a shared calender.
You can update a candidate's availability status or enter their availability manually by clicking the Ellipses icon in the To-do tab and choosing an option from the list.
Additional resources
To learn more on requesting availability in Greenhouse Recruiting, review the below guides: