Unlock your team’s best hiring capabilities and improve your quality of hire with HiPeople, an assessment and reference check tool that keeps your hiring data-driven, on point, and on time. 

With a focus on assessments, reference checks, candidate experience, and onboarding, HiPeople makes it fast and delightful for teams to make better hiring decisions.

Greenhouse Recruiting’s integration with HiPeople allows you to easily invite candidates to HiPeople assessments and checks directly from Greenhouse Recruiting, and receive results back directly in the candidate profile.

Set up the HiPeople integration

Create a Harvest API key

To configure the HiPeople integration, you’ll need to create a Harvest API key. 

Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the permissions below are selected when configuring the HiPeople integration.


In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: HiPeople (optional)
  • Description: HiPeople Harvest API key


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the HiPeople integration:


  • Select all

Activity Feed

  • Select all


  • Select all

Job Stages

  • Select all

Rejection Reasons

  • Select all

When you’re finished, click Save.

Your Harvest API key for the HiPeople integration is created and configured. Copy the API key to provide to HiPeople in the next step. 

Add your API key to HiPeople

To  add your created API key credentials, navigate to HiPeople and Log In. Select My Organization to access your settings and click Greenhouse

In the Set Greenhouse API key pop-up window, paste the created API key and then, click Set.

In the box that appears next, copy the contents within the Endpoint URL and Secret key fields. You will need this information to create a webhook in the next step

Create webhooks and complete setup

To integrate HiPeople with Greenhouse Recruiting, you'll also need to create three webhooks. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhook. Use the values listed below to configure the webhook:

Web hook #1

  • Name: HiPeople [Candidate Stage Change]
  • When: Candidate has changed stage
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL from the HiPeople dashboard
  • Secret key: Enter the secret key from the HiPeople dashboard

Web hook #2

  • Name: HiPeople [Candidate Hired]
  • When: Candidate has been marked as hired
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL from the HiPeople dashboard
  • Secret key: Enter the secret key from the HiPeople dashboard

Web hook #3

  • Name: HiPeople [Candidate Rejected]
  • When: Candidate has been rejected
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the endpoint URL from the HiPeople dashboard
  • Secret key: Enter the secret key from the HiPeople dashboard

Click Create Web hook when finished.

Use the HiPeople integration

Connect a HiPeople role to Greenhouse Recruiting

After enabling the HiPeople integration, you will be ready to use the integration. 

To begin, you'll need to connect the a role in HiPeople to the corresponding job posting in Greenhouse Recruiting.

In HiPeople, find the role you wish to integrate and then, go to the [ . . . ] menu > Manage ATS automation.

Select the role from Greenhouse Recruiting that you would like to integrate with this HiPeople role.

Example: In the example below, we're integrating Customer Success Manager in Greenhouse Recruiting with Customer Success Manager in HiPeople:

On the next page, you must connect the HiPeople stages to the Greenhouse Recruiting stages as defined in your job setup.

For example, you might like to connect the HiPeople Assessment to Inbox, and the HiPeople reference checks to Reference Check as shown below:

Example: In HiBob

Example: In Greenhouse Recruiting

Review your selected ATS pipeline stage & role selections and then, hit Confirm.

You are now ready to start using HiPeople for all the candidates within the Greenhouse role(s) linked above. Move the candidate in Greenhouse to the respective stage, and HiPeople automatically takes care of the rest.

Start a reference check

To start the reference check for the candidate, navigate to the candidate profile in Greenhouse Recruiting, and move the candidate to the Reference Check stage.

That's it! The request for the candidate to submit their references is on its way!

You can see the progress of the reference check for this candidate by going to the respective role in HiPeople – the candidate profile is synced and a reference check invite has been sent automatically.

Review the results of the reference check

As soon as one of the candidate's referees has provided their feedback, you will receive an email with an invitation from HiPeople to review the reference check results.

In addition, you can access the reference check results through an automated PDF report on a link in the candidate's Activity Feed tab that will appear as soon as the reference check is completed.

Additional resources

For additional help or troubleshooting not covered here, reach out to HiPeople support team at support@hipeople.io.