Greenhouse Software regularly releases new product features, updates, and improvements. Stay up to date with what's new at Greenhouse by Following our release notes.
Find our releases for this week below:
Greenhouse Recruiting
Keep locations accurate in LinkedIn job posts: We updated our LinkedIn post logic so that remote jobs and jobs with updated locations display more consistently.
Get notified of hidden fields in the Job Kickoff form: We added a popup window that notifies you if you're trying to approve fields in the Job Kickoff form that you don't have permission to view. If you approve the fields without the correct permissions, it will be noted under Job Setup > Activity Feed.
Better control and monitor your webhook activity: Webhooks will now deactivate after failing too frequently within a specific time frame. The error recipient email associated with your webhook will also receive an email notification when this occurs.
Prevent changes from being lost with a new popup: We added a popup window that reminds you that you have unsaved changes if you try to leave a page before saving.
Greenhouse Onboarding
Specify recipients of the New pending hire email: Owners can now select who receives the New pending hire email notification. Click here to learn more.
Rearrange and move fields: We added the ability for owners to rearrange fields within a field group and move fields to a different group. Click here to learn more.
Note: Fields can't be moved into or outside of the Basic Information field group.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue with employee cards on the Welcome page of Greenhouse Onboarding in which removing a card removes the last card on the page instead of the selected card
- Fixed an issue with the Show Only Confidential Jobs checkbox appearing on the All Jobs page despite the organization disabling the confidential jobs feature
- Fixed an issue with a Send Test link appearing in background check stages in interview kits despite no actual send test option existing
- Fixed issues with the Scorecards and Offers endpoints in the Harvest API timing out