Greenhouse Software regularly releases new product features, updates, and improvements. Stay up to date with what's new at Greenhouse by Following our release notes.

Find our releases for this week below:

Greenhouse Onboarding

Inclusion matters from the candidate experience to the new hire experience: We're excited to announce that Greenhouse now ensures candidate pronouns and name pronunciations added during the interview process in Greenhouse Recruiting are automatically added to new hire profiles in Greenhouse Onboarding. 

With self-empowerment in mind, new hires and current employees also have the ability to self-select, edit, or remove pronouns directly from their employee profiles in Greenhouse Onboarding. 


Certain organizations need to enable edit access of pronouns. If you are a user with Owner access, click here to learn more. 

Visit our Pronouns and pronunciations overview article for more information on this feature release. 

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with the Calendly integration where the Schedule with Calendly button was not appearing for users attempting to schedule an interview. Also fixed the issue where users received a system error when attempting to disconnect the integration.