Permissions: Job Admin or higher

Product tier: Available to all subscription tiers

Greenhouse Recruiting's integration with Personio allows you to automatically create new employees in Personio from hired candidates in Greenhouse Recruiting.

Create a Harvest API key for the Personio integration

To configure the Greenhouse Recruiting / Personio integration, you'll need to create a Harvest API key.

Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the credentials and permissions below are selected when configuring the Personio integration.


In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: Personio
  • Description: Personio Harvest API Key


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Personio integration:

Custom Fields

  • Select all

Enable the Greenhouse Recruiting / Personio integration in Personio

After you have generated the Harvest API key in Greenhouse Recruiting, you must enable the integration inside Personio.

Note: Before configuring the integration in Personio, you must have Personio API credentials. If you're using another integration with Personio, you may already have these credentials created. If you need to create credentials, you can do so by navigating to the Settings page. Under Integrations, click API credentials, then click Generate new credential.

In the left sidebar, click Marketplace, then search for Greenhouse.


Click Connect to start the integration wizard.


Paste your Greenhouse Harvest API key into the field and click Next.

Add your Personio API credentials and click Next.

Next, synchronize the fields between Greenhouse and Personio by selecting the fields from the attribute dropdown menus.

By default, the candidate's first/last name, email, department, office, hire date and position are transferred. All the fields can be modified, but first and last name are required for integration.

Note: Even if the attribute names between the applications are the same, each field must match exactly. For example, if an office is named "New York" in one system, and "new york" in the other, the integration will not work correctly.

When you're finished mapping the fields, click Next.

Click Copy link. This is the Endpoint URL you'll use to configure your webhook in the next step. Do not click Finish until you've completed the Create webhook steps listed in Personio.


Configure a webhook in Greenhouse Recruiting

To integrate Personio with Greenhouse Recruiting, you'll need to create a webhook. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhook. Use the values listed below to configure the webhook:

  • Name: A descriptive name for your integration, such as Personio integration
  • When: The time that the event will be sent to Personio. Select the following option for this integration:
    • Candidate has been hired
  • Endpoint URL: The link you copied from Personio in the previous step
  • Secret Key: A word or phrase you create

Use the Personio integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

Find your newly hired candidate in Personio

When a candidate in Greenhouse Recruiting is marked as hired, a new employee profile is automatically be created in Personio. The attributes you configured in the previous step are mapped over to the new employee profile.

To find your newly hired candidate’s profile, navigate to your Home page and type your new hire’s name into the search bar at the top right.

Update your mapped attributes

After the initial configuration, you can update your mapped attributes in Personio by clicking Marketplace in the left navigation bar, then searching for Greenhouse. In the window that appears, click Settings. 


Click Next until you reach the Map attributes page. Update or add attributes as desired, then click Next.


To save your changes, click Finish.

Additional resources

For information not covered here, reach out to Personio Support at