Vetty delivers innovative, friction-free pre-hire and post-hire background checks for enterprises, staffing agencies, and startups using deep-learning bots.

Greenhouse Recruiting's integration with Vetty allows you to deploy background checks directly from Greenhouse Recruiting.

Create a Harvest API key for the Greenhouse Recruiting / Vetty integration

To configure the Greenhouse Recruiting / Vetty integration, you'll need to create a Harvest API key.

Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the permissions below are selected when configuring the Vetty integration.

Create new credential

In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: Vetty (optional)
  • Description: Vetty Harvest API Key


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Vetty integration:

  • Activity Feed
    • GET: Retrieve Activity Feed
  • Applications
    • DELETE: Delete Application
    • GET: Retrieve Application
    • GET: List Applications
    • PATCH: Update Application
    • POST: Advance Application
    • POST: Move Application
    • POST: Reject Application
    • POST: Moves Application to Job
    • POST: Unreject Application
  • Candidates
    • GET: Edit candidate
    • GET: Retrieve Candidate
    • GET: List Candidates
    • POST: Add Note
  • Custom fields
    • GET: Get Custom Fields
    • POST: Create Custom Field
    • DELETE: Delete Custom Field
    • PATCH: Update Custom Field
  • Custom Fields Options
    • GET: Custom field options

    • DELETE: Remove custom field options

    • PATCH: Update custom field options

  • Job Posts
    • GET: List Job Posts
    • GET: Retrieve Job Post for Job
  • Job Stages
    • GET: Retrieve Job Stage
    • GET: List Job Stages
    • GET: List Job Stages for Job
  • Jobs
    • GET: Retrieve Job
    • GET: List Jobs
  • Offers
    • GET: List Application's Offers
    • GET: Retrieve Application's Current Offer
    • GET: Retrieve Offer
    • GET: List Offers
  • Offices
    • GET: Retrieve Office
    • GET: List Offices
  • Users
    • GET: Retrieve User
    • GET: List Users

Create the Vetty webhook

To integrate Vetty with Greenhouse Recruiting, you’ll need to create a webhook. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhook. Use the values listed below to configure the webhook:

  • Name: A descriptive name for your integration. Most customers choose "Vetty integration"
  • When: The time that the event will be sent to Vetty. Select the following options for this integration:
    • Candidate has changed stage
  • Endpoint URL: The Endpoint URL provided by Vetty
  • Secret key: The Secret Key provided by Vetty
  • Error recipient email: The email address of the user who should be notified in case of an error

If you do not have the Endpoint URL or Secret Key from Vetty, contact your Vetty account manager or email to request the webhook information.

Finish setup with the Vetty team

After you've completed the steps above, provide the following information to your Vetty account manager or

  • Your Harvest API key
  • The interview stage where the background check should occur

Once this information has been provided to the Vetty team, your account manager will confirm receipt and link the accounts.

Once Vetty confirms the accounts have been linked, a background check will be initiated when a candidate is moved into the background check stage in your Greenhouse Recruiting account.

Use the Vetty integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

When a candidate is moved to the selected background check stage in Greenhouse Recruiting, an order will be triggered to the Vetty system. After the background check is completed within the Vetty system, details about the background check and status can be viewed from the candidate's profile by clicking the Private tab.


To review the background check report, click the URL under the Report field, sign into your Vetty account, and review.
