In an effort to improve our suite of products, Greenhouse Software regularly releases new product features, updates, and improvements. Stay up-to-date with what's new at Greenhouse by Following our Release Notes.

Find our releases for this week below:


Greenhouse Recruiting

  • Greenhouse Recruiting is excited to present a new look for the Edit Your Post page. While all existing functionality remains unchanged, we hope this redesign presents a better user experience for your organization.





  • For more information regarding updates to our API, click here.
 Date  Description
 Mar 18, 2019  Added ability to delete a Candidate Tag via DELETE: Destroy a Candidate Tag
 Mar 6, 2019  Added linked_candidate_ids to Users Endpoints
 Feb 28, 2019  Added primary_email_address to Users Endpoints
 Feb 28, 2019  Added updated_at to Jobs Endpoints
 Feb 13, 2019  Added ability to create new candidate tags via POST: Add New Candidate Tag
 Feb 1, 2019  Added partial response (HTTP Status code 202) to POST: Create Job
 Jan 8, 2019  Added can_email flag to Candidates Endpoints




Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a reported issue when uploading a resume or cover letter from a job post. Upload options would disappear if the Google login page was exited without entering any information. With this fix we anticipate that this will no longer be a problem and upload options will still be present.
  • Google Chrome's update (version 72) on January 30, 2019 broke the drag and drop functionality of the Greenhouse Prospecting Chrome Plugin. For users who are using this updated version of Chrome, parsing a resume using the plugin's drag and drop feature will just open the resume in a new window without parsing it. We have notified Google of this issue and are currently waiting for them to resolve this issue. To restore this functionality to the plugin, click here.