Permissions: Site Admin, and Job Admin who can email candidates / prospects

Product tier: Available for Advanced and Expert subscription tiers

Once a form is created for a job, users with permissions on the job can send those forms to candidates. Depending on the user's role on the hiring team and how the form is configured, forms can be sent in multiple ways.

Send forms via recruiter's My Tasks

If a form is linked to a particular stage during the configuration process, users assigned to the recruiter role on the hiring team will receive a task when candidates are moved to the specified stage. This allows recruiters to easily see and send out forms directly from their My Dashboard page.

From the recruiter's My Dashboard page, scroll to My Tasks and click Forms to Send.

Note: Only users assigned to the recruiter role will receive the Forms to Send task.

From the subsequent dialog box, use the provided Job dropdown menu to select a job from the list. Once a job is selected, all forms associated with the job will populate in the form dropdown menu. Select a specific form from the list.

Click View Candidates.

Recruiters will be redirected to a list of all candidates who match the job and form criteria. To send a form to any candidate on the list, navigate to the candidate's name and click Send.

Note: Non-recruiter users who have at least Job Admin level access to the job can also send forms by navigating to the All Candidates tab on their navigation bar and applying the correct filters or sending a form directly from a candidate's profile.

The subsequent dialog box allows you to configure the email that will be sent to the candidate. Select whether the email should be sent from your user account or a Greenhouse-provided no-reply email address. By default, the email's subject header and body will auto-populate the message configured for the form.

Edit the email as needed and click Send Form when finished.

Send form from a candidate profile

If a form is not linked to a particular stage in the interview pipeline, a task will not generate to remind a recruiter to send the form. Since a task is not generated, recruiters will not be able to access candidates via the My Tasks panel on their My Dashboard page.

Recruiters (or any other user with at least Job Admin level permissions on the job) can still send the form directly from the candidate's profile.

From the profile, click Alerts tab in the right panel. The task will appear under Requires attention. Click Send.

send a form_new article.jpg

The subsequent box allows you to configure the email that will be sent to the candidate. Select whether the email should be sent from your user account or a Greenhouse Recruiting-provided no-reply email address. By default, the email's subject header and body will auto-populate the message configured for the form.

Edit the email as needed and click Send Form when finished.

Send forms in bulk

Users with at least Job Admin level permissions on a job can send a form to multiple candidates if those candidates match the following criteria:

  • All candidates included in the bulk action are on the same job
  • All candidates are sent the same form

To send a form to candidates in bulk, navigate to a properly filtered list of candidates either through My Dashboard > My Tasks > Forms to Send (for recruiters) or via the Candidates tab by manually applying filters.

Once the candidate list is successfully filtered, click Bulk Actions.

Select all candidates on the list who should be sent a form and click Edit Selected (#).

Note: It isn't possible to send all outstanding forms to candidates for all jobs.

From the subsequent dialog box, navigate to the Action section and click Send form.

Select a Form from the provided dropdown menu and configure the email that will be sent to the candidate. Select whether the email should be sent from your user account or a Greenhouse provided no-reply email address. By default, the email's subject header and body will auto-populate the message configured for the form.

Edit the email as needed and click Send Form when finished.

Review candidate response to form

Once a candidate responds to an emailed form, the user who sent the candidate the form along with the candidate's assigned recruiter and any other user configured to get form response notifications will receive an email that a response was submitted.

Click the candidate's Name in the email to be redirected to the candidate's profile.

From the candidate's profile, navigate the On Job panel and click Application. From the Forms section of the panel, expand the desired form to view the candidate's response.

Note: If a question was marked as Private during the form configuration, only users with privacy permissions can view the response. For more information, click here.

Note: Candidate responses to a form will be deprecated for candidates who were considered non-primary profiles during a candidate profile merge, or if the current candidate is transferred to a different job.