Product updates:

  • Opening IDs have been added to the All Jobs Summary report and can be exported for further data analysis! 


  • Sharing jobs via Facebook is currently deactivated, as Facebook removed the permissions necessary to create posts on behalf of other users. We'll post an update here if we find another posting solution. 


API updates:

Integration updates:

Assorted bug fixes, including:

  • The Scorecard Key Take-Aways text box started scrolling instead of expanding as you added long feedback notes. We know how satisfying it is to see a completed novella chronicling a candidate interview, and you can see your masterpiece in full again! 
  • Some users received an error with trying to preview an offer document on DocuSign. We've lifted this embargo and you should be able to navigate to DocuSign without issues. 
  • When sorting columns in reports, the results were disordered and clearly not organized in any human-recognizable pattern. We changed it back to sorting that belongs in this world.