Greenhouse Onboarding's connector with ADP Workforce Now provides a one-way sync between both platforms, allowing you to collect new hire information in Greenhouse Onboarding and then provision employee accounts in ADP.
Set up the integration in Greenhouse Recruiting
If you have previously set this up in Greenhouse Recruiting and are now purchasing Greenhouse Onboarding, you can skip this section.
To set up the integration, you'll need to purchase the 'Greenhouse Recruiting Connector for ADP Workforce Now' integration from the ADP Marketplace. However, before you start the purchase, open Greenhouse Recruiting and navigate to the HRIS Link setup page. (Configure > Dev Center > HRIS Link for ADP)
Keep this page open. You'll need it at a couple points in the setup.
In another browser tab, open the ADP Marketplace and sign in with an administrator account that has a work email associated.
Find the Greenhouse Recruiting Connector for ADP Workforce Now integration, and proceed through the purchase process. Your Greenhouse Unique ID is listed on the HRIS Link page in Greenhouse Recruiting.
Once the purchase is complete, navigate back to Greenhouse and complete the remaining steps to provide data consent and test the connection. Once the steps on the page are finished, the initial integration setup is completed.
Update settings in ADP
After you've configured your ADP connection, you'll need to update the settings of the onboarding templates in ADP to finish the setup:
- Log into ADP as a user who can assign and manage templates.
- Click Setup and select Hire/Rehire under Template Management.
- Find each onboarding template that you want to use with the integration, and set it to Active.
Next, you'll need to update the permissions of each template:
- Open the Onboarding template and click Assign Users.
- Select the “Practitioner” permission.
- Select the “Don't inactivate or delete this profile. Membership changes could impact any existing integrations in the assignment section.” permission.
- Finalize the setup by clicking Next > Next > Submit.
Repeat these steps for each onboarding template that you want to use with the Greenhouse/ADP Workforce Now integration. As a note, when exporting from Greenhouse to ADP, the user will not be required to have the practitioner security permission in ADP.
Once the templates are set to Active and their permissions have been updated, you'll be able to export new hires from Greenhouse to ADP WorkforceNow.
Setting up the integration in Greenhouse Onboarding
To sync your Greenhouse Onboarding fields with ADP Workforce Now, you'll need to work with your Greenhouse Customer Success Manager (CSM).
1. Review the list of available fields to determine which ones you want to sync.
2. Contact your CSM to set up the field mapping for your integration.
Your CSM will complete the mapping process to ensure your selected fields transfer correctly between Greenhouse Onboarding and ADP Workforce Now.
Export a candidate
When you hire a candidate in Greenhouse Recruiting, you'll have the option to update the new hire's information with various ADP data. This information will then be exported to Greenhouse Onboarding, and the additional information collected here will be sent to ADP Workforce Now when the candidate is marked for export.