HRIS Link for Workforce Now is a partial platform integration that allows customers to import users and export new hires. It allows you to sync new hire data from Greenhouse Recruiting and Greenhouse Onboarding to ADP Workforce Now once they’re marked as “hired.” This bidirectional sync seamlessly integrates with Greenhouse Recruiting to maintain data quality between hiring and HR software without manual or redundant tasks.
Note: The HRIS Link for ADP integration is only available for customers in the United States.
Set up the integration
To set up the integration, you'll need to purchase the 'Greenhouse Recruiting Connector for ADP Workforce Now' integration from the ADP Marketplace. However, before you start the purchase, open Greenhouse Recruiting and navigate to the HRIS Link setup page. (Configure > Dev Center > HRIS Link for ADP)
Keep this page open. You'll need it at a couple points in the setup.
In another tab, open the ADP Marketplace and sign in.
Find the Greenhouse Recruiting Connector for ADP Workforce Now integration, and proceed through the purchase process. Your Greenhouse Unique ID is listed on the HRIS Link page in Greenhouse Recruiting.
Once the purchase is complete, navigate back to Greenhouse and complete the remaining steps to provide data consent and test the connection. Once the steps on the page are finished, the initial integration setup is completed.
Update settings in ADP
Note: To update settings you must be an admin. If you are not an admin, an existing admin at your organization must give you permission (Security Access > Permissions > Manage Profiles).
After you've configured your ADP connection, you'll need to update the settings of the onboarding templates in ADP to finish the setup:
- Log into ADP as a user who can assign and manage templates.
- Click Setup and select Hire/Rehire under Template Management.
- Find each onboarding template that you want to use with the integration, and set it to Active.
Next, you'll need to update the permissions of each template:
- Open the Onboarding template and click Assign Users.
- Select the Practitioner and Don't inactivate or delete this profile. Membership changes could impact any existing integrations in the assignment section.
- Finalize the setup by clicking Next > Next > Submit.
Repeat these steps for each onboarding template that you want to use with the Greenhouse Recruiting / ADP Workforce Now integration.
Once the templates are set to Active and their permissions have been updated, you'll be able to export new hires from Greenhouse Recruiting to ADP WorkforceNow.
Greenhouse Recruiting
Export a candidate
When you create an offer in Greenhouse Recruiting, you'll have the option to send the new hire's information to ADP Workforce Now. When the candidate is marked as hired, their information will be sent to ADP.
Each new hire will include the following information:
Greenhouse field name | ADP field name | Field type | Existing/New Greenhouse field | Job field | Offer field |
Name | Birth name | Textbox | Existing | ||
Name | Legal name | Textbox | Existing | ||
Export to Workforce Now | N/A | Yes/No | New | ✓ | |
Email address | Email address | Textbox | Existing | ||
Resolved at | Hire date | Date | Existing | ✓ | |
ADP Workforce Now Onboarding Template | Onboarding template code | Single select | New | ✓ | ✓ |
-- | Onboarding status | Always “in progress” | -- | ||
ADP Workforce Now Company Code | Company code | Single select | New | ✓ | ✓ |
ADP Workforce Now Job Code | Job title | Single select | New | ✓ | ✓ |
ADP Workforce Now Department Code | Department | Single select | New | ✓ | ✓ |
ADP Workforce Now Cost Center Code | Cost center | Single select | New | ✓ | ✓ |
ADP Workforce Now Location Code | Location | Single select | New | ✓ | |
ADP Workforce Now Salary | Salary | Currency | New | ✓ | |
ADP Workforce Now Hourly Pay Rate | Hourly pay rate | Currency | New | ✓ | |
ADP Workforce Now Daily Pay Rate | Daily pay rate | Currency | New | ✓ | |
ADP Workforce Now Pay Frequency | Pay frequency | Single select | New | ✓ | |
Address | Address | Textbox | Existing | ||
Phone Number - Home | Home phone | Textbox | Existing | ||
Phone Number - Mobile | Personal mobile | Textbox | Existing |
User sync
Setting up user sync allows your organization to automatically create a user account in Greenhouse Recruiting when an employee at your organization has an account in ADP Workforce Now. All valid ADP users (both active and inactive) will be included in this sync, and will be sent over with the following information:
- Name
- Email address
- Employee ID
- Status
Note: Users will be skipped in the sync if they're missing any of the following fields in their account:
- First name
- Last name
- Employee ID
After you purchase the HRIS Link integration from the ADP marketplace, a representative from Greenhouse will be in touch to discuss the implementation of the user sync.
Greenhouse Onboarding
Required new hire information
The following fields must be present for any new hire to be synced from Greenhouse Onboarding to ADP:
- Legal Name
- Work Email
- Social Security Number (SSN) / Government ID
- Gender
- Birthday
- Start Date
Additional new hire fields
The following fields are also available to sync from Greenhouse Onboarding to ADP:
- Company Code
- Job Title
- Location
- Department
- Eligibility Classification
- Worker Category
- File Number
- Business Unit
- Reason for Hire
- Ethnicity
- Marital Status
- Race
- Worker Type
- Worked-In Country
- Legal Address - Country
- Legal Address - Address Line 1
- Legal Address - Address Line 2
- Legal Address - Address Line 3
- Legal Address - State / Territory
- Legal Address - City
- Legal Address - Postal Code
- Personal Email
- Home Phone
- Personal Fax
- Personal Landline
- Personal Mobile
- Personal Pager
- Business Fax
- Business Landline
- Business Mobile
- Business Pager
- Cost Center
- Pay Frequency
- Standard Hours
- Compensation Type
- Salary
- Hourly Pay Rate
- Daily Pay Rate
- Rate 2 Amount
- National Identifier
- Tax ID Type
- Government Id Type
- FLSA Status
- Federal Tax Filing Marital Status
- State Tax Filing Marital Status
- Worked in State
- Lived in State
- SUI/SDI Tax Code