The Loop platform is a global messaging platform, dedicated to building innovative, effective, and compliant communication tools that enable businesses to engage their talent community, applicants, and employees. Their focus has been on the candidate experience, as well as building recruitment process efficiencies to help recruitment teams focus on nurturing relationships with qualified candidates.

Loop Works have been delivering these innovative, global solutions across multiple industry verticals, since 2010.

Loop Works’ integration with Greenhouse Recruiting allows the following platform features to support Greenhouse client recruiting processes:

  1. Messaging Compliance Engine
  2. Automated System Messaging
  3. Interview Reminders
  4. Direct 1:1 Chat with Loop Flow Messenger
  5. Bulk Messaging Functionality

Set up the Loop Works integration

Create webhooks

To integrate Loopworks with Greenhouse Recruiting, you’ll need to create 9 webhooks. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhooks. Use the values listed below to configure the webhooks:

  • Name: Loopworks integration
  • When: A separate webhook will need to be created for each event:
    • Delete candidate
    • Job post updated
    • Job post created
    • Job post deleted
    • Delete application
    • Candidate has submitted application
    • Candidate or prospect updated
    • Prospect created
    • Candidate has changed stage
  • Endpoint URL: (N.B. Same URL for all webhooks)
  • Secret Key: A unique secret key value will be generated for each Loop client, as part of the onboarding process.

Create a Harvest API key

To configure the Loop Works integration, you’ll need to create a Harvest API key.

Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the permissions below are selected when configuring the Loop Works integration.


In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: Loop Works or Unlisted Vendor
  • Description: Loop Works Harvest API Key


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Loopworks integration:

  • Candidates/Prospects
    • GET: Retrieve Candidate(s)
    • POST: Add Prospect
    • PATCH: Update Candidate/Prospect
  • Job Posts
    • GET: Retrieve Job Posts
  • Jobs
    • GET: Retrieve Jobs

Use the Loopworks’ integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

Loop records whether or not a Candidate/Prospect has given consent to receive SMS. This value will be passed to Greenhouse in Add Prospect (POST) and Update Candidate (PATCH) calls, and recorded in Greenhouse using a “sms_consent_given” custom field, with possible values “yes” and “no”. As part of their onboarding process configuration each Client will have a “sms_consent_given” custom field created in Greenhouse.


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It is important for any organization considering adding text messaging to their business process to first set the foundation and framework around consent, to ensure any and all messaging functionality implemented will comply with the rules and regulations across and within all regions of operation.

For compliance purposes. all prospects and candidates must provide consent to receive your text messages.

Consent Manager

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Loop has a fully compliant consent management process for text messaging, regardless of the region Greenhouse clients operate within.

With our integration, we pull in the prospect and/or candidate records from the Greenhouse system and our consent management engine checks whether consent for text messaging has been provided by the individual.

Consent can be granted by the candidate within an existing process in several ways – for example -

  1. Through the application process.
  2. Through an alternative registration process, for example a talent community registration form.

Verbiage can be included in application or registration forms whereby prospects or candidates must give consent to receive messages and then consent for that record will be passed to the Loop system where we will hold it and manage it on behalf of the client. As those individuals interact with the Loop system, they will also have the ability to manage their communications preferences within each of the messaging channels we support.

For example, they could text the word STOP in response to an automated system message or a direct chat SMS message in order to stop receiving these messages. This would flag the record in the Loop system, and Loop’s consent management engine will not allow any such messages to be sent to that individual until or unless that person grants consent again.

We also support a secure candidate page where the contact can toggle on and off their communications preferences.

If the client does not have a consent wording in place in an application or registration form for example, Loop has an automated consent management process which can be configured to meet their compliance needs.

Once a new record is added to the Greenhouse system, the Loop platform, (if configured to do so), can automatically send an email asking the candidate to opt-in for future communications via text.

The Opt-In button links to a secured page where the candidate will review and confirm their mobile number. Once they have done this, the Loop platform will send a verification code to the candidate to confirm the number belongs to them.
The candidate will input that verification code into the form. All-in-all it’s about a 30 second process.

Request Consent Manually

To message a contact who has not already provided consent, you will need to request consent manually from within the Loop CRM.

  1. Navigate to the People screen, where you can search for, view and manage candidates in the CRM.
  2. Click the People tab in the main navigation.
  3. The first time you click the People option when you log in on any given day, the CRM will display all of your candidates in a list in a new tab by default.

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To search for a specific candidate, simply type their name into the search bar.

To search for someone using their full name (i.e. First Name and Last Name), place quotation marks around the name”.

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There are two ways you can send a link to a candidate’s mobile device from the CRM to request their consent to receive SMS text messages:

Use “Send Form” to Request Consent

One way to request text messaging consent is to use the CRM’s “Send Form” feature:

Click on the contact’s name to open their contact record.

Click on the Messaging dropdown.

Select Send Form.

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Select “SMS Opt In” from the drop down menu.

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Click Send.

Use Native Messenger to Request Consent

Alternatively, you can request consent using Messenger in its native form in the CRM:

Click on the Messaging dropdown.

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Click the SMS Consent button. The chat window opens, and the SMS consent link appears in the message field.

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Enter or click the send button. The link appears as a bubble within the message.

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When the candidate clicks the link, the SMS consent form is opened on their mobile browser (note: the form will be branded accordingly for your company).

The candidate then completes the form to permit you to send them SMS text messages.

Automated System Messaging

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Once consent for messaging has been granted, clients can take advantage of all the different text messaging integration features we have configured for our integration to Greenhouse.

Automated system messaging can be configured to drive productivity with your recruitment team.

Candidate responses to automated messages

  • Pinned Candidates - candidates pinned to your Dashboard in the CRM.
  • Owned Candidates – candidates you created in or uploaded to the CRM.
  • Candidates in Pinned Pools/Requisitions – candidates you pinned to your dashboard.
  • Candidates in Owned Pools/Requisitions – candidates in pools or requisitions you created.

To ensure you see all responses from candidates to automated messages – pin that candidate or your requisitions/pools to your dashboard.

Your dashboard is the landing page shown immediately after you log in to the Loop Pool CRM.

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Your dashboard is a central hub for managing your workload and provides you with a quick overview of items you have ‘pinned’ to your dashboard for easy daily review, such as candidates.

The panels containing candidates, pools or requisitions include the icons for each item, allowing you to manage/interact with an individual candidate or an entire pool of candidates:

Click the icon  to "pin" that candidate or pool to the dashboard.

Application Support

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Automated text messages can be configured to be sent to candidates based on your Greenhouse Business Process Steps for Application Support.

Once a candidate is set to a particular step in your process, that action can trigger an automated message to be sent to that candidate to inform them of where they are at in the process or to that they need to take an action.

These messages are configured through our implementation process where we have a standard set of messaging templates for clients to choose from or customize.

These templates can pull in information through merge fields, such as the job title and location of the role.

Clients also have the ability to configure messages based on job codes and more, should variations in messaging based on job type etc. be desired.

The benefit of automated messaging is that there is no additional action your recruiters will need to take inside of Greenhouse other than moving candidates through their usual recruitment and onboarding business process.
These messages will run automatically in the background.

Interview Reminders

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Automated notifications can also be configured for messaging around Interview Reminders. Once an interview has been scheduled against a candidate’s record, the Loop system will automatically send a text notification to the candidate confirming the date, time and location of the interview.

The system can then be configured to send reminders to the candidate prior to the actual interview – for example, 24 hours prior to and on the day of the interview.

Direct Chat Capability with Loop Flow Messenger


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Loop Flow Messenger is our direct chat functionality which allows recruiters to immediately begin a text conversation with a prospect/candidate directly out of Greenhouse.

Download the Messenger Browser Extension

Chrome Users

To start using the Messenger extension, download it from the Chrome store:

  1. Open a Chrome browser.
  2. Go to:
  3. Search for “Loop Messenger” in the Chrome Store.
  4. Click on the “Add to Chrome” button.

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  1. Confirm by Clicking “Add Extension”



For MS Edge Users:

The Loop messenger extension can also be installed in MS Edge:

Open a Microsoft Edge browser.

Go to: Loop Messenger - Chrome Web Store (

Click on the Add to Chrome button.

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Confirm by clicking Add Extension.

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Once you have installed Loop Messenger as a Chrome extension, you will see the Loop Extension logo in your browser’s toolbar:

Simply click on the Loop Messenger icon in the Chrome toolbar to open the extension.

Enter your Loop username and password.

IF REQUIRED, enter the 6-digit security verification code received on your mobile phone*

Note: For security reasons, and dependent on your company’s configuration of Messenger, you may be required to login and reauthenticate by entering a new security verification code each day

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Note: The extension will be available to you on any active page you visit after installing the extension. You will need to refresh any pages you already have open in order to use the extension in those tabs. As with any extension, you will need to ensure that you’re on an active webpage when clicking the extension icon. Simply opening a new tab will not be enough.

Start a Chat

If your candidate has previously provided consent to receive text messages (OR if consent is not required by your organization for one-to-one Messenger chat), you will be able to click on the ‘Chat’ button to open the chat window. You can also start a chat by clicking on the Loop chat icon next to the prospect or candidate name in Greenhouse. *

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Type into the ‘Message’ field at the bottom of the chat window, then click the ‘Send’ button.

Your message will send as a text to the candidate’s cell phone. A one-time message will be appended instructing the candidate on how they could opt out of messaging at any time.

Click on the “+” sign in the ‘Message’ field at the bottom of the chat window to pull up a template, send a job link or a form, etc. See “Additional Functions in the Messenger Extension”.

Responses and the chat history will always be viewable in the Messenger browser extension window.

* Assumes consent has been granted by the candidate (or that consent is not required for Messenger). If consent is required – and has not been provided – see “Get Consent” in the CRM User Guide. Once consent has been provided and confirmed, a green check mark is shown on the candidate record in Messenger (and the CRM record), and the ‘Chat’ button also appears.

See “before” and “after” consent images below:

Before (No Consent) After (Consent Provided)

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The candidate can send a STOP message at any time to cancel their SMS consent. They send this to the same number they have been communicating with you with via Messenger.

When this happens, you will see the STOP message in the message stream for that candidate and the chat window interface will prevent you from sending further messages.

If the candidate decides they want to opt in again at a later time, they can send a START message, after which the chat window will allow you to resume messaging.

Unsuccessful Delivery

Note that in the event a text message is unable to be successfully delivered, a “Not Delivered” notation is displayed in red font (along with a red exclamation icon) to highlight the affected message(s):

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Find a Prospect or Candidate in the Messenger Extension

In the Messenger extension, navigate to the People Search tab.

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By default, you will be presented with a list of all contacts in the descending order they were created/added. You can search for contacts in the People Search Search Bar*

  • To search by name, enclose name in quotation marks, like “Albert Einstein"
  • To search by phone number, use International Phone Format, e.g. +12223334444
  • To search by email, enclose email address in quotation marks, e.g. “”

To the right of each contact is a mobile phone icon containing either a red cross or a green checkmark. This shows which contacts have opted in to receive messages at-a-glance.

Note: By default, all contacts will load into Messenger in descending order v. when those records were created/added.

Add New Prospects to Loop via the Extension

To start messaging with new contacts as quickly as possible, add them to Messenger (and the Loop CRM) at the same time:

Add a Single Prospect to Messenger

Navigate to the People Search tab

Click the Add Person icon (top-right)

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Fill in the mini Add Person form

Click the Submit button.

An Opt-In email will automatically send (see Note 1 below) to the candidate to request consent for text messaging, and the new record will be visible in Loop.

Add Multiple Contacts via the Messenger Extension:

First create a contact file to upload using the sample file provided in the extension:

Note: The ‘MobilePhone’ column is optional, however phone numbers must be entered in the standard ISO format in order to be recognised. For example, +12025550146 is acceptable but any numbers featuring hyphens, brackets, or other formatting will not be recognized.

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Navigate to the People Search tab.

Click the Add Multiple People icon

Select record type from the dropdown menu.

Click the Choose File button and select the contact file* you wish to upload (.csv, .xls or .xlsx).

Click the Submit button.

Note: If configured (and explicit consent is required for Messenger), an Opt-In email will automatically send to the candidate to request consent for messaging, and the new records will be visible in Loop.

Note on explicit consent for Messenger use:

Your company may (or may not) require explicit consent from each contact for Messenger use.* In the event that your company does require prior explicit consent, then your prospects must provide consent to receive your messages. and the Loop platform will have been configured so that Loop automatically sends the contact an email to opt-in to message with you, Once the contact has responded, you can message them. Before and after images showing No-SMS Consent and SMS-Consent are provided again below:

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Once consent has been provided, a green check mark is shown and consent is confirmed. The ‘Chat’ button also appears. Click this button to start chatting. Also note that you can navigate straight to the contact’s record in the Loop CRM (their ‘Person’ page) by clicking the ‘View in Loop’ link.

If you need to know immediately about a candidate opting in, you can pin that candidate to your dashboard in the CRM, and turn on the “Candidate opts in for SMS” notification in your Notifications settings. You will then be notified (but either email or SMS) if/when that candidate opts in for text messaging communications.

In the event that your company does not require explicit consent from each contact for Messenger use, you will be able to message your contact immediately. Your first message to your contact will include verbiage instructing the contact on how to opt-out of messaging.

Note: Explicit consent will be required for any automated / system text messaging.

Additional Actions in the Messenger Extension

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Additional actions are available within Messenger chats. Access these by clicking the ‘+’ icon on the left-hand side of the Message input field, this will open an overlay (pictured) to show the additional actions panel.

Send Job

Send a URL link for a job posting to a prospect or candidate:

  1. Select ‘Send Job’ from the Additional Actions menu to open the Job Search page.
  2. Search for a job by title or requisition number. Alternatively, click ‘Search’ to see all jobs.
  3. Click on preferred job posting title, then ‘Select’.
  4. The Send Job message will now be in the message field ready to send. Edit any of text, then hit send.

Send Form

Send a URL link to any forms that are available in your instance.

Examples include Update Profile, Opt-In and Registration forms, etc.

Choose Template

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Access text message templates already set up in Loop

Search by template name or by content – simply start typing part of the verbiage from within the template itself.

Alternatively, choose “Show My Templates Only” to see only your own templates. 

Note: Click the + button on the template selection page to create (and edit) your own personal message templates.

Once you select a template, the templated verbiage will appear in the Message field ready for sending, including any token replacements which have been applied (e.g. FirstName)

Read the message to ensure all tokens have been replaced / the message reads as you intend.

Request File

Request supporting documentation from your prospects and candidates, eg. resume files, various attachments (PDFs, docs etc.) and even photos and video files.

  • When you request a file from a contact, they will be sent a link to where they can upload the requested file.
  • The uploaded file will appear in the Messenger chat window, and you will be able to download the file to your PC if required. Video files can even be played directly within Messenger.
  • Currently the file types supported are DOC, DOCX, ODF, PDF, JPEG, RTF, MP4, QUICKTIME. There is a 5MB size limit.

Send Transcript

Upon request, send an email containing a chat transcript to the email address on the candidate’s record.

Other Features in the Messenger Extension

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View All Chats in the Extension

Access all of your in-progress chats and chat history simply by clicking on the ‘Chat’ icon at the bottom of the browser extension.

All your chats will be displayed, the most recent chat at the top of the chat history list.

Click on any of your chats to open and continue each conversation (and to see a complete historical record of your chat with the candidate).

Access the Contact Record in the Extension

When in a chat, click on the candidate name at the top of the chat to open the candidate record/panel, and access the following features and functionality:

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Add a Prospect or Candidate to a Drip Campaign

The ability to add a prospect or candidate to a Drip Campaign* is also available in the candidate panel in Messenger.

You can add someone to an existing drip campaign direct from Messenger, and even select the campaign workflow step at which the candidate should be added (if desired).

* Access to Loop Campaign Manager tool (and the creation of Drip Campaigns) limited to Campaign Manager license holders.

View Email History

View all emails sent to your prospect or candidate – without logging into the Loop CRM.

Click on Messenger Header for your candidate.

Click on ‘Email History’.

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Click on an email to view in full.

Status for the email will also be displayed in the email header – eg. “Opened” and/or “Clicked” as appropriate.

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View SMS/Text Message (Non-Chat) History

View all (non-Messenger)* text messages sent to your prospect or candidate – without logging into the Loop CRM.

Includes regular text messages sent from the CRM in addition to automated communications such as reminders, or security code notifications, or messages from a text flow, etc.

Click on Messenger Header for your candidate.

Click on ‘Message History’.

* Chat history is always displayed in Messenger

Accessing All Chats per Candidate

If configured, you will be able to see the complete chat history between a particular candidate and any/all users.

Simply navigate to the candidate’s record in the Loop CRM and click on the “Chat History” panel. Chat histories will be listed by recruiter/user – click “View Chat Transcript” to review chat history.

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After using the integration, you may decide you want to share more info between Greenhouse Recruiting and Loopworks. If you would like additional information transferred over, please reach out to Loopworks Customer Success with a list of items to add and they will let you know what’s possible!

Additional resources

For additional information or troubleshooting not covered here, reach out to