Paraform’s integration with Greenhouse Recruiting allows companies looking to hire to seamlessly integrate Paraform into your existing candidate pipeline by automatically uploading new candidates from Paraform to your jobs on Greenhouse. Candidate updates made on Paraform will reflect in your Greenhouse account and vice versa, keeping Paraform recruiters informed with the most up-to-date status of their candidates.
Create a Harvest API key
To configure the Paraform integration, you’ll need to create a Harvest API key.
Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the permissions below are selected when configuring the Paraform integration.
In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:
- API Type: Harvest
- Partner: Paraform or Unlisted Vendor
- Description: Paraform Harvest API Key
Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Paraform integration:
- GET: List Users
- GET: Retrieve User
- POST: Reject Application
- PATCH: Update Application
- POST: Advance Application
- POST: Add Attachment to Application
- GET: Retrieve Application
- POST: Move Application
- GET: List Applications
- POST: Hire Application
- DELETE: Delete Application
- GET: List Jobs
- GET: Retrieve Job
- POST: Add Note
- POST: Add Application
- GET: List Candidates
- POST: Add Candidate
- POST: Add E-mail
- PATCH: Edit Candidate
- GET: Retrieve Candidate
- POST: Add Attachment
- POST: Add Employment
- POST: Add Education
- DELETE: Delete Candidate
Job Posts
- GET: Retrieve Job Post for Job
- GET: List Job Posts for Job
- GET: List Job Posts
Scheduled Interviews
- GET: List Interviews
- GET: List Interviews for Application
- GET: Retrieve Interview
Job Stages
- All permissions
- All permissions
Rejection Reasons
- All permissions
Add your API key to Paraform
Add your Greenhouse API Key in Paraform and verify permissions
Link your Paraform roles to your Greenhouse jobs
Select a Greenhouse user for Paraform to assign as the On-Behalf-Of user. Note that candidate ownership will be assigned to the corresponding Greenhouse job owner regardless of the chosen On-Behalf-Of user.
Create a webhook
To integrate Paraform with Greenhouse Recruiting, you’ll also need to create six webhooks. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhook for each event below. Use the values listed below to configure the webhook:
- Name: A descriptive name for your integration. Most customers choose ‘Paraform integration - <event name>’
When: Create a separate webhook for each event
- Candidate has been hired
- Candidate has changed stage
- Candidate or Prospect rejected
- Candidate or Prospect unrejected
- Candidate has been unhired
- Offer Created
- Endpoint URL: Copy and Paste your Endpoint URL for the webhook in your Paraform Dashboard
- Secret Key: Copy and Paste your Secret Key from your Paraform Dashboard.
Add your webhooks to Paraform
Once webhooks are created, verify that all webhooks have been confirmed on Paraform
Use the Paraform integration with Greenhouse Recruiting
Setting up your role in Paraform
Once you’ve set up your API key and webhooks, you can now link your interview stages with your role on Paraform.
Choose a Greenhouse Recruiting interview plan (aka job) for your Paraform role. This will allow you to import the interview stages from this plan.
Choose which stages to import to Paraform. Typically, users will opt out of importing lead or hire stages, only importing review and technical interview stages.
Configure the stage at which you want candidates to be uploaded to Greenhouse. This is denoted by the “Upload to ATS” badge on the selected stage.
You’re all set! Candidates will have their status synced between Greenhouse and Paraform.
Paraform candidates in Greenhouse Recruiting
When your candidate is moved to the “Upload to ATS” stage in Paraform, they will be automatically uploaded to Greenhouse to the corresponding stage. From there, any stage changes will be reflected in Paraform, allowing us to keep Paraform recruiters as up-to-date as possible.
Additional resources
For additional information or troubleshooting not covered here, reach out to