Namely is a human resources software company that builds HR for humans. Namely provides HR professionals with the technology, data, and support they need to help employees thrive.

Greenhouse Recruiting's integration with Namely allows you to sync hired candidates directly into Namely.

Note: If you previously enabled the Greenhouse Recruiting / Namely integration and wish to update to the most current version of the integration, click Integrations on your navigation bar > then select Namely to disconnect the integration before following the steps outlined below.

Set up the Namely integration

Create a Greenhouse ID custom field in Namely

Navigate to the Namely platform and create a new custom field named greenhouse_id to help prevent duplicate imports.

To find this field, open Namely and navigate to Company > Settings > Profiles Fields (Under Employee Data).

Scroll to the bottom of the General section and click Add New Field.

Label your field greenhouse_id (exactly as shown), and choose Text as the type.

Note: If you mistype or don't enter the field exactly as written, delete the field entirely and re-create it, rather than editing the field name.

You'll have to eventually create additional custom fields for the integration to ensure candidate records sync correctly. Click here for more information.

Log into Namely Connect

After creating the custom field in Namely, navigate to

On the first page, type your company's permalink (<> and click Continue.

If you aren't logged into Namely on the browser already, you'll be prompted to log in.

After verifying your login, click Accept to authorize Namely Connect.

Confirm the Namely Connect owner is valid

If your organization is running successful integrations with Namely already, or if you have spoken to someone internally at Namely about this in the past, you can skip this step.

If you haven't previously verified your Namely Connect owner, click View all users at the top of the page. Ensure the person who is selected as the Owner has the Administrator access role and is an active employee in Namely. If the current owner isn't correct, you can select a new owner from the list.

If you need to choose a new owner and don't see their name in the list, ask the user to login to Namely Connect to be added to the list of names. Once they're on the list, you can choose that person as the owner.

Connect to Greenhouse Recruiting

Find Greenhouse on the list of integrations on and click Connect.

Namely integration image

Enter Greenhouse as the Name. An API key and secret key will be generated for you.

Copy the Secret Key and save it in a text document. You'll need this information in a later step.

Namely integration image

Click Connect. Save the Endpoint URL from the next page with your secret key. You'll also need this information at a later step.

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Create a webhook and complete set up 

To integrate Namely with Greenhouse Recruiting, you'll need to create a webhook. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhook. Use the values listed below to configure the webhook:

  • Name: Namely integration (this name can be changed if needed)
  • When: Candidate has been hired
  • Endpoint URL: The Endpoint URL you previously copied from Namely
  • Secret Key: The Secret Key you previously copied from Namely
  • Error recipient email: The email address of a user who should be notified if an error occurs
  • Disable?: No

When finished, click Create Web hook.

Your Greenhouse Recruiting account and Namely account can now talk to each other.

Update and verify fields to ensure smooth syncing

There are two ways candidates from Greenhouse Recruiting can be synced to Namely:

  • Candidates can flow to Namely and be created as active profiles
  • Candidates can flow to Namely as a draft Onboarding session (recommended)

In either process, additional information must be filled out on the candidate's profile once it's created in Namely. In general, these fields fall into three categories:

  • Standard data fields used in both Greenhouse Recruiting and Namely: These default fields require no additional configuration for syncing by your team. Read more below.
  • Required Namely fields that aren't standard in Greenhouse Recruiting. To ensure this data is included in your candidate records, you'll need to add custom fields to Greenhouse Recruiting. Read more below.
  • Fully custom fields that aren't used by default on Namely or Greenhouse Recruiting. These custom fields will need to be added to both systems. Read more below.

Standard fields

The fields listed below are standard fields in both Greenhouse Recruiting and Namely. Data entered in these fields will sync automatically between the two platforms.

  • Candidate First Name
  • Candidate Last Name
  • Candidate Email
  • Candidate Address
  • Phone Number
  • Position
  • Start Date
  • User Status ("Active")

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Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required in Namely, and therefore must be populated when creating a Namely profile. If left empty, the Start Date field will populate with the date the employee was hired in Greenhouse Recruiting. If not all required Email fields are populated, Namely has rules to populate email fields based on which of the required fields are provided. See the image below for an overview of these rules.

Standard field logic

If multiple matching fields are found when syncing, the integration will follow the logic outlined below:

Namely integration image

Required Namely fields Custom fields in Greenhouse Recruiting

The data fields in the image below can be populated in Namely if a custom field is added in Greenhouse Recruiting to match the field type:

Namely integration image

To create a custom field in Greenhouse Recruiting to use for the integration, navigate to Configure Configure icon icon > Custom Options > Company Custom Fields. Select any type of custom field except for Referral Questions.


  • The custom field must exactly match the name in Namely, including the same name and capitalization. For example, a field labeled "Preferred name" will not sync with a field labeled "Preferred Name."
  • If you have altered the names of these fields in Namely, the custom field in Greenhouse Recruiting must also be updated to an exact match.

Sync additional custom fields

In addition to the fields above, most custom fields created in Namely can be synced with Greenhouse Recruiting if a custom candidate field or custom offer field with a matching name and type is created in Greenhouse Recruiting.

Similar to the fields above, the fields must exactly match by their label, capitalization, and field type. For example, if a short text field is created in Namely, the field type in Greenhous Recruiting must also be short text.

The Namely integration supports the following four field types: short text box, long text box, single select, and number. The table below outlines how field types are matched across the platforms:


Use the Namely integration with Greenhouse Recruiting 

Any time you mark a candidate as hired in Greenhouse Recruiting, the hired candidate data will immediately and automatically sync with Namely.

Since this integration uses a webhook, the candidate's profile will be immediately sent to Namely as soon as you click Mark Candidate as Hired in Greenhouse Recruiting. This means you don't have to complete a manual export or a scheduled sync to send hires to Namely Connect.

Process an internal hire using the integration

The Namely integration associates candidates in Greenhouse Recruiting to employees in Namely based on their company or personal email address.

When marking a candidate as hired, you can configure whether you'd like previously hired employee profiles in Namely to be updated in response to subsequent hire events from Greenhouse Recruiting. For some organizations, enabling this option is preferred to support internal hires or job changes for employees.

By default, this setting is not enabled. If you hire a candidate in Greenhouse Recruiting whose company or personal email address already exists in Namely, the candidate sync will fail and log an error message in an email and Greenhouse Recruiting.

Please note the following about how employees sync in Namely:

  • The company email address field is labeled email.
  • The personal email address field is labeled personal email.
  • A draft onboarding session is an employee profile that is not fully active yet (For example, the employee needs to complete onboarding in Namely, which will convert the profile into a fully active candidate record.)

An onboarding profile is different from an active profile based on the user status field in Namely:

  • If the user status is pending, the profile will be in onboarding.
  • If the user status is active, the profile is fully active.

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The Namely integration allows users to select whether they want a hired candidate to be pushed into Namely as a draft onboarding session (user status of pending), or as a fully active employee profile (user status of active).

Additional resources

For additional support with this integration, contact your Namely Support Consultant.