Greenhouse Recruiting's integration with Apply with LinkedIn allows candidates to import their personal information from their LinkedIn profiles when applying for a job on your company's job board. This helps them auto-fill fields and creates an easier job application experience.
Note: This feature is not supported by the current version of job boards. For current job boards, candidates can autofill their applications by creating a MyGreenhouse account and enabling quick apply.
Note: Greenhouse Recruiting Apply with LinkedIn is not available for 100% API-driven job boards or organizations using the new job board customization.
Enable Apply with LinkedIn
To enable Apply with LinkedIn for your organization, log in to Greenhouse Recruiting and click Integrations on your navigation bar.
Search for and click LinkedIn integrations.
The LinkedIn integration setup will appear.
Choose your contract from the list and click Continue.
Click Choose package.
Select the checkbox for the Apply Package and Apply with LinkedIn.
When finished, click Save Changes at the top.
Add Apply with LinkedIn to your job board
Once the Apply with LinkedIn feature is enabled for your organization, you can configure a LinkedIn integration for your job board.
To add Apply with LinkedIn to a job board, click the Configure icon on your navigation bar, and then click Job Boards on the left.
Locate your job board and click the Ellipsis icon beside it.
Select Edit Board Settings from the dropdown.
Scroll to Allow candidates to Apply with LinkedIn.
Click Yes.
When finished, click Save.
The Apply with LinkedIn feature will be added to all job posts on the job board.
When a candidate clicks Apply with LinkedIn, they'll be asked to sign into their LinkedIn profile. A disclaimer will note that their full LinkedIn profile will be shared with their application.
The candidate can then finish applying as normal.
Note: If a candidate clicks Apply with LinkedIn on a job that's been posted to LinkedIn using a paid job slot, but doesn't submit their application, LinkedIn will record the applicant as an Apply Starter in LinkedIn Recruiter so you can reach out to them proactively.