Permissions: Site Admin

Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

The candidate survey is sent by email after a candidate has exited the interview process by being hired or rejected. 

By default, the candidate survey uses the template Default Candidate Survey Message. To customize your survey message, edit the email template using the instructions below.

Default candidate survey email

For reference, the default email template is shown below. You can use the template as it is or customize it.

SUBJECT: We want to know what you think


{COMPANY} takes care to ensure that its recruiting process is well run and candidates have a great experience.

We're sending you this survey to gather some honest, anonymous feedback about your recent interview. No personal information about you will be seen by {COMPANY} - all survey results are anonymized.

Please take a moment to give us your feedback and what you think could be improved about the process.

[click here to take the survey]



Edit the candidate survey email

To edit the template email, click Configure Configure-icon.png then click Email Templates.

Configure page with an orange box around the email templates link.png

Under Organization-Wide Templates, find Default Candidate Survey Message and click the Edit Edit-icon.pngicon on the right. 

List of email templates with an orange box around the Candidate Survey template.png

Make any edits to the subject or body in the email template window. You can customize the From Address to use a Greenhouse no-reply email address or any global email addresses your organization has added.

Edit default template window with an orange box around the text field.png

For tips on customizing the survey email, review our best practices.

When finished, click Save. Your updated message will be used with all future surveys.

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