Permissions: Site Admin

Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

After the candidate survey feature is configured and turned on for your organization, candidates who are hired or rejected will receive an email invitation to participate in your organization's candidate survey. The email is sent based on your organization's configuration and includes a link to the survey that candidates can use anonymously.

To ensure that the candidates understand that Greenhouse is sending the survey on your organization's behalf, and that answers are anonymous, the content in the email cannot be edited.

The content of the email is below:

SUBJECT: We want to know what you think


You recently interviewed with {{COMPANY_NAME}} and they want to make sure you had a great experience. So they've hired us to ask you for some honest, anonymous feedback about your interview experience.

Please take a moment to give us your feedback and what you think could be improved about the process.

[click here to take the survey]

