Zelt is a software application you can use to automate HR and IT tasks in your company. Now you can onboard new joiners, run payroll, manage holidays and automate IT tasks in a single system, from providing laptops to setting up accounts across your cloud applications. This saves you time and money, and is more secure.

Zelt’s integration with Greenhouse Recruiting allows you to automatically import successful hires to Zelt and send them into the desired onboarding flow when it’s the right time - automatically.

Create a Harvest API key for the Zelt integration 

To configure the Zelt integration, you’ll need to create a Harvest API key.

Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the permissions below are selected when configuring the Zelt integration.


In the Create New Credentialbox, make the following selections:

  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: Zelt or Unlisted Vendor
  • Description:Zelt integration Harvest API Key


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Zelt integration:


  • GET: List applications


  • GET: List Candidates
  • GET: Retrieve Candidate


  • GET: List offers


  • All permissions

When finished, click Save.

Your Harvest API key for the Greenhouse Recruiting / Zelt integration is created and configured. Copy the Harvest API key to provide to Zelt in the next step.

Connect your Greenhouse Recruiting API key with Zelt 

To enable the Greenhouse Recruiting / Zelt integration, you'll need to connect your existing Greenhouse account. To begin setup, navigate to Zelt and select the Apps tab.

Locate Greenhouse and click Connect.

In order to connect, enter your generated Harvest API key created in the prior step. 

Once connected you will be able to start onboarding successful hires manually or via a scheduled synchronization - using your preferred onboarding template.

Head over to Greenhouse Settings in Zelt to set this flow up.

You can also set up a webhook so that newly hired candidates can be created in Zelt straight away. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhook.

Use the information provided in Zelt settings of the integration to create a webhook in Greenhouse.

Use the Zelt integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

Set up automated onboarding with Zelt

Once your successful hire was sent to an automated onboarding flow, you can check on the progress of your new joiner in the Onboarding section of your Zelt account. Click on the employee name and see any completed and remaining tasks that you have assigned to this person. You can also send reminders directly from the HR Admin Onboarding lobby.

New hire onboarding lobby:

Manually onboard candidates in Zelt 

Start by going to the Greenhouse app in Zelt. You will find it in your Company connected apps.

In Greenhouse, navigate to Candidates tab. 

Select a successful candidate who you would like to onboard in Zelt manually, provide their preferred work email address and select the required Onboarding flow from the drop-down select and click Onboard.

All existing candidate details will be pre-populated in the first step of the Onboarding flow and you will have a chance to review that the Job Title, Start date, Salary and any other information you have provided in Greenhouse for this employee as you onboard them in Zelt.

As a last step, you can choose to invite new hire to onboard or save them as a draft for now.

The onboarding lobby will be automatically populated with your selected tasks from the chosen Onboarding workflow. You will have a quick overview of any remaining to-dos and onboarding tasks from this page.

Additional resources

For additional information or troubleshooting not covered here, reach out to support@zelt.app or message Zelt directly via in-app chat.