tofu is where talent teams and hiring managers find pre-vetted, top talent recommended by other company interview processes.

With an 81% candidate response rate, companies onboarding to tofu schedule interviews with relevant, quality candidates in as quick as 24 hours. Hiring teams on tofu save 3-4 hours per week finding high-intent, ready to interview candidates and report a 23% increase in candidate:employer brand NPS.

tofu’s integration with Greenhouse Recruiting allows you to automate the entire candidate sharing process and push candidates to your Greenhouse account.

Set up the Greenhouse Recruiting / tofu integration

Create a Harvest API key

To configure the tofu integration, you’ll need to create a Harvest API key.

Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the permissions below are selected when configuring the integration.


In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: tofu or Unlisted Vendor
  • Description: tofu Harvest API key

After selecting Manage Permissions, copy the API key and store it securely. You will need this configured key to enter within the API Key field in tofu.


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the tofu integration:

  • Applications
    • POST: Add Attachment to Application
    • GET: Retrieve Application
    • GET: List Applications
    • POST: Reject Application
    • POST: Move Application
  • Candidates
    • POST: Add Note
    • POST: Add Application
    • GET: List Candidates
    • POST: Add Candidate
    • GET: Retrieve Candidate
    • POST: Add Attachment
    • POST: Add Prospect
    • PATCH: Edit Candidate
  • Custom Fields
    • GET: Get custom fields
  • Custom Field Options
    • GET: Custom field options
  • Departments
    • GET: List Departments
    • GET: Retrieve Department
  • Email Templates:
    • GET: Retrieve Email Templates
    • GET: List Email Templates
  • Job Posts
    • GET: Retrieve Job Post for Job
    • GET: List Job Posts for Job
    • GET: List Job Posts
  • Job Stages
    • All Permissions
  • Jobs
    • GET: Get hiring team
    • GET: List jobs
    • GET: Retrieve Job
  • Rejection Reasons
    • GET: List Rejection Reasons
  • Scorecards
    • GET: List Scorecards for Application
    • GET: Retrieve Scorecard
    • GET: List Scorecards
  • Sources
    • All Permissions
  • Tags
    • GET: List Candidate Tags
    • GET: List tags applied to candidate
    • POST: Add New Candidate Tags
  • Users
    • GET: List User Job Permissions
    • GET: List Users
    • GET: Retrieve User

Save when finished.

Paste the API key you copied earlier into the API Key field in tofu, then Submit.

Create a source tag

Next, you'll need to create a tofu custom source. Follow the steps in this article to create your custom source tag. Use the values listed below to create the source: 

Note: The tofu custom source is case sensitive and must be entered exactly as indicated below. 

  • Sourcing Strategy: Prospecting
  • Name of Source: tofu

Select Create Source when finished. 

After, select I’ve created a source tag in tofu.

Create a webhook

Next, you’ll need to create a webhook. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhook. Use the values listed below to configure the webhook:

  • Name: Candidate or Prospect Rejected
  • When: Candidate or Prospect Rejected
  • Endpoint URL:
  • Secret Key: rsdjmviz
  • Error Recipient Email:

Set your on-behalf-of user for the tofu integration 

Next, you'll need to select the user email address to designate as your sourcing account in tofu. This needs to be an email address associated with a user in Greenhouse Recruiting.

Any prospects that are pushed to your Greenhouse will be pushed on behalf of this email. If the email used to sign up to tofu was found in your Greenhouse, your screen will look like this:

If no user was found in the Greenhouse organization matching the email used to sign up, the screen will look like this:

In the dropdown available, find the email that you would like to use as the sourcing account and click Save Credentials.

Set your candidate sharing criteria

In the final onboarding step in tofu, set the invite criteria that a candidate’s application must meet for referral eligibility by selecting the checkboxes on the screen.

Once done, the tofu / Greenhouse Recruiting integration will be enabled and ready for use. 

Use the tofu integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

Share talent with tofu 

To invite candidates to tofu that meet your referral criteria (set above in the last step of onboarding), select Approve Candidates Here from the left-menu panel in tofu. 

If you have candidates waiting to be referred to the platform, they will appear here. To invite a candidate to the network, select the Green Checkmark.

If you don’t wish to invite them, select the Red Bin.

Add talent to jobs in Greenhouse Recruiting 

To source a candidate profile in tofu, select Talent Pool from the left-menu panel.

You’ll see a list of candidates in the Talent Pool. To source a candidate and add them to an open job, select + to ATS. 

Then, identify the job you want to add the candidate to and select Push.

Additional resources

For additional information or troubleshooting not covered here, reach out to