Justworks is an all-in-one HR solution for small businesses. Operating as a Professional Employer Organization (PEO), Justworks bundles access to benefits, compliance support, robust HR tools, and payroll under their umbrella to help efficiently administer employment-related responsibilities for your team.

With Justworks' group buying power, you'll get access to health insurance and other perks at more affordable rates. Coupled with round-the-clock support provided 24/7/365, Justworks has your back - always.

Justworks’ integration with Greenhouse Recruiting allows you to send candidate information to Justworks each time candidates are marked as hired in Greenhouse Recruiting.

Create a webhook for the Justworks integration

To integrate Justworks with Greenhouse Recruiting, you’ll need to create a webhook. Follow the steps in this article to create your webhook. Use the values listed below to configure the webhook:

  • Name: Candidate hired for Justworks
  • When: Candidate has been hired
  • Endpoint URL: The Endpoint URL provided by Justworks
  • Secret Key: The Secret Key provided by Justworks

Note: To complete webhook setup, admins in Justworks will need ‘Manage employees’ permissions assigned.

Navigate to Justworks > Employees > Greenhouse Integration > Set Up to find these values. 

Use the Justworks integration with Greenhouse Recruiting

After marking a candidate as hired in Greenhouse, Justworks admins with permission to Manage employees will receive an email titled “A candidate has been hired in Greenhouse!”.

A link to send the candidate’s information to Justworks will also be included so a candidate account can be created. 

Note: The audience that receives this email notification cannot be changed.

To pre-populate the candidate’s information in the Add a person or vendor page in Justworks, click Get Started


By default, the following fields will sync through the integration:

  • Employment type (if available)
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Start date
  • Home email


Custom fields configuration

Justworks can pull in additional data from the Offer Details with custom Offer fields. To create custom Offer fields, follow the steps outlined this article.

The field names must be entered exactly as they are shown below. You may choose any field type for these custom fields, however, the different field types may change the format of the data in Justworks.

Here are the custom fields Justworks supports:

  • Annual vs Hourly
  • Annual Salary
  • Hourly Rate
  • Worker type
  • Exemption Status
  • Title
  • Manager
  • Department
  • Office 

There are a few details to take note of when setting up the field options and when completing the offer for the candidate:

  • Annual vs Hourly — options must be Annual Salary or Hourly Rate
  • Department — options must be the exact department names as they exist in Justworks
  • Office — options must be the exact office names as they exist in Justworks

Note: If the Title, Department, and Office custom fields aren't included in the Offer Details, the integration will sync available information from the external job post configured in your Greenhouse account for the new hire.

Additional resources

For additional information not covered here, reach out to support@justworks.com.