Should I use job requisitions on Workday®️ for HRIS Link?

HRIS Link can import and update jobs in Greenhouse Recruiting based on information in your HRIS.

If you use Workday®️ as your HRIS, you can choose to enable job requisitions which impacts the way jobs and openings flow to Greenhouse Recruiting. We recommend that you enable job requisitions for the best possible HRIS Link experience.

What is a job requisition?

A job requisition in Workday®️ acts as a container for one or more positions. This structure is similar to Greenhouse Recruiting jobs, which hold one or more openings. For this reason, we recommend that you enable job requisitions on Workday®️ for HRIS Link.


Job requisitions mirror the job and opening structure in Greenhouse Recruiting, allowing you to logically group jobs with more than one opening. Creating a job requisition with ten positions allows you to manage one job in Greenhouse Recruiting with ten openings, instead of ten separate jobs.

A graph shows the way Workday with job requisitions enabled mirrors the structure of jobs and openings Greenhouse Recruiting, in that a single job with 5 positions in Workday matches a single job with 5 openings in Greenhouse Recruiting

This one-to-one mapping allows for additional benefits:

  • Positions are filled as soon as Greenhouse Recruiting openings are filled.
  • Once all positions are filled or closed, the job requisition and Greenhouse Recruiting job will automatically close.
  • Job requisitions can be added around your pre-existing positions with no adverse impacts.


With job requisitions enabled, all positions on the job requisition in Workday®️ must be identical, with the same job profile and supervisory organization. 

Positions / openings cannot be added to job requisitions after they're created.

Job creation workflow

If you choose to enable job requisitions, your teams will use the create job requisition task in Workday®️ instead of the create position task. Job requisitions can be added around your pre-existing positions as well with no adverse impacts.

Check out the exact workflows with and without job requisitions enabled below:

(Recommended) With job requisitions enabled on Workday®️

1. Create a requisition and its positions in Workday®️.

2. The requisition must be available on the HRIS Link job import report.

3. HRIS Link will create the job and openings in Greenhouse Recruiting:

  • If your organization uses job approvals on Greenhouse Recruiting, the job will be created in draft status.
  • If job approvals aren't used, the job will be created in an open status.

4. HRIS Link will assign the hiring team to the job in Greenhouse Recruiting (optional).

5. With job approvals, the recruiter will request approval in Greenhouse Recruiting when the job is ready to be opened.

6. After your team approves and opens the job, the job post can be enabled and recruiting can begin in Greenhouse Recruiting.

Without job requisitions enabled on Workday®️

1. Create a position in Workday®️.

2. The position must be available on the HRIS Link job import report.

3. HRIS Link will create a job in Greenhouse Recruiting:

  • If your organization uses job approvals on Greenhouse Recruiting, the job will be created in draft status.
  • If job approvals are not used, the job will be created in an open status.

4. HRIS Link will assign the hiring manager from Workday®️ to the job in Greenhouse Recruiting, but the recruiter must be manually assigned (optional).

5. The recruiter will fully configure the job and request job approval in Greenhouse Recruiting.

6. After your team approves and opens the job, the job post can be enabled and recruiting can begin in Greenhouse Recruiting.

Note: Greenhouse Recruiting is not sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with Workday®️.