Cronofy is the scheduling platform for business. Our enterprise-ready calendar connectivity and advanced scheduling capabilities are used by tens of thousands of companies worldwide to power recruitment scheduling workflows.

Greenhouse Recruiting’s integration with Cronofy allows you to automatically send personalized self-scheduling links to candidates when interviews need to be scheduled. 

Prepare your Cronofy integration configuration  

To configure the Cronofy / Greenhouse integration, you must first have the Greenhouse Recruiting integration enabled in your Cronofy organization account. 

From the Manage Integrations section of your company settings in the Cronofy Dashboard, you will be able to create a new Greenhouse Recruiting integration. The screen will look like this. 


Keep this screen open. In later steps, you will use this page to store your API keys from Greenhouse Recruiting and provide the values you need to set up your web hooks.

Create a Harvest API key for the Greenhouse/Cronofy integration

Follow the steps in this article to create the key, and verify that the permissions below are selected when configuring the Cronofy integration.


In the Create New Credential box, make the following selections:

  • API Type: Harvest
  • Partner: Cronofy (optional)
  • Description: Cronofy Harvest API Key


Verify that the following permissions are selected for the Cronofy integration


  • Get: Retrieve Application


  •  Get: Retrieve Candidate
  •  Post: Add Note
  •  Post: Add E-mail


  • Get: Retrieve User

Scheduled Interviews

  • Get: List Interviews for Application
  • Get: Retrieve Interview
  • Get: List Interviews
  • Delete: Delete a scheduled interview
  • Post: Create a scheduled interview
  • Patch: Update a scheduled interview


  • Get: List Jobs
  • Get: Retrieve Job
  • Get: Get hiring team

Job Stages

  • Get: Retrieve Job Stage
  • Get: List Job Stages
  • Get: List Job Stages for Job

Set up a Cronofy webhook in Greenhouse Recruiting

To set up the notifications between Cronofy and Greenhouse Recruiting, you also need to set up a webhook. The information you need from Cronofy is available in the Cronofy / Greenhouse configuration page you already have open. There, you’ll find the following:

  • Endpoint URL
  • Secret Key
  • Basic Authorization - Username
  • Basic Authorization - Password


With Cronofy’s endpoint URL and Secret Key copied, and your Greenhouse Recruiting user permissions enabled, you are ready to enable the Greenhouse Recruiting/Cronofy integration.

Follow the steps in this article to create your webhook. Use the values listed below to configure the webhook:

  • Name: Cronofy Scheduler Integration
  • When: Candidate Stage Changed
  • Endpoint URL: The Endpoint URL from the Cronofy Greenhouse Configuration page
  • Secret Key: The Secret Key received from the Cronofy Greenhouse Configuration page

Then click Advanced Settings and complete the Basic Authorization Credentials:

  • Username from the Cronofy Greenhouse Configuration page
  • Password from the Cronofy Greenhouse Configuration page

When finished, click Create Web hook.

That's it! Your Greenhouse Recruiting account and Cronofy account can now talk to each other. 

Configure Cronofy scheduling triggers to respond to candidates changing stage

The webhook you set up earlier notifies Cronofy when a candidate changes stage. Now you need to indicate when the stage change triggers a scheduling link to be sent to the candidate. 

Navigate to your Cronofy account to configure a Scheduling Trigger for a given job and interview.


In Cronofy, you can choose from the list of active jobs and the corresponding interview plans listed in your Greenhouse Recruiting account. You can also configure the emails and calendar event templates to include personalized information from Greenhouse Recruiting.

Once the trigger is enabled, when a candidate is moved to that stage in the interview process, and an interview needs to be scheduled, they will receive an email with a link to schedule. 

This email will be added to the candidate Activity Feed in Greenhouse Recruiting. This is recorded as being sent on behalf of the recruiter assigned to the candidate.


The example screenshot below is branded for our fake company, you can change this to your own company branding in the Cronofy dashboard.


Once the candidate has chosen a time, the time and date are recorded as a Scheduled Interview in Greenhouse Recruiting.


Control who interviews a candidate

The Scheduling Rule option on the trigger controls who is interviewing the candidate and thus who the candidate needs to be scheduled with.

There are two options:

  • Resolve Interviewers
  • Use a pre-defined scheduling rule 

The Resolve Interviewers option attempts to work out who the interviewers are from the interview plan information in Greenhouse Recruiting. If you have default interviewers configured for the stage, Cronofy will treat that as a pool of interviewers to choose from.


If no default interviewers are specified then the recruiter assigned to the candidate will be used.

The duration of the interview is taken from the Estimated Interview Time recorded in Greenhouse Recruiting.

Using a Cronofy scheduling rule gives you more power for more complex interview scheduling scenarios. You can set up panels, choose from multiple pools, even set up sequences of interviews. 

Additional resources

The Cronofy Support team is there to help you with any aspect of the configuration and use of this integration. Review the Cronofy documentation or contact the Cronofy support team at for help.