Post jobs to social media from Greenhouse Recruiting

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Product tier: Available for all subscription tiers

Note: Greenhouse Recruiting cannot post job ads to Facebook.

Greenhouse Recruiting allows your organization to maximize its recruiting reach by drawing upon the social networks of current users. All users in your Greenhouse account can easily post live jobs to their LinkedIn and/or Twitter accounts.

Before you can post live jobs to social networks, you'll will need to connect your individual Greenhouse user accounts to their respective social media networks. To learn more, click here.

Demo video

Post single job to social media accounts

Once a user's social media account is connected to Greenhouse Recruiting, navigate down the My Dashboard page to the Share Jobs with your Social Network panel.

Click Post beside the connected social media account.

Screenshot of post button on my dashboard

Select the job, job post, and template for the social media post from their respective dropdown menus.

Additionally, you can edit the text of the job post and use the following tokens: {{JOB_NAME}}, {{JOB POST_URL}}, {{OFFICE}}.

When you're finished, click Post.

Screenshot of post button

Note: The social media post will include the location of the job only if the {{OFFICE}} token is used.
To learn more about the details that are populated by the{{JOB_NAME}}, {{JOB POST_URL}}, and {{OFFICE}}tokens, click here.

Candidates who apply through social media posts will automatically be assigned a source of LinkedIn (Social media) or Twitter as appropriate when they are added to Greenhouse Recruiting.

Schedule job posts to social media accounts

You can schedule social media posts to automatically post about jobs to your social media on a specific day and time. To set up a schedule, click Schedule Posts in the Share Jobs with your Social Network panel. Scroll down the My Dashboard page to the Share Jobs with your Social Network panel.

Screenshot of schedule posts button

Select all the jobs that should receive scheduled posts. When you're finished, click Next.

Screenshot of choosing jobs for scheduled posts

Next, select how often the jobs should be posted to the social media account.

Once a day is selected, you can select what time the jobs will be posted. If you want to select more than one time in a day, click Add another time

Note: Use the dropdown menu at the top of the dialog box to post on a monthly schedule on specific days.

Screenshot of scheduling posts time blocks

Select template for the post from the dropdown menu. If you want to manually update the text field, you can use the following tokens: {{JOB_NAME}}, {{JOB POST_URL}}, {{OFFICE}}.

When you're finished, click Schedule.

Screenshot of schedule window

If the job's primary job post is a live and external post, the primary job post will be linked to the scheduled post when published on the social platform. If the job's primary job post is not a live and external post, the job's oldest live and external job post will be linked to the scheduled post.

Note: Scheduled posts to LinkedIn disconnect after 60 days and must be refreshed manually. Greenhouse Recruiting displays a banner a week before the disconnection date to remind you to refresh the connection.